
Reforging Destiny



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-28-2023, 08:04 PM

As difficult as it was for Saracyn to hold himself back from simply pouncing on Avacyn and taking her right there and then, the crimson twin managed to keep his lustful urges at bay at least long enough for Ava to get through their soul mating vows to the Ancients. White-tipped ears perked on top of his skull as he listened to his twin sister recite their own unique vows to the Ancients, the corners of his lips curling up into a wicked grin as he heard her words come out between stuttering breaths and little gasps of delight. He quite liked making this tricky for her, especially if she was going to keep making all of these cute reactions while binding their souls together. Saracyn didn't stop, didn't slow down or hesitate in his affections. Heated lips covered her sensitive throat in slow, firm kisses and gentle nips and nibbles, nuzzling his way through the short fur of her throat to follow her pulse down her neck. Avacyn was so perfect... She was flawless in body, mind, and spirit. Feeling her divine form pressing up into his, hearing her sultry voice speaking those words he'd longed to hear... it was everything the young brute had ever wanted.

Saracyn released a heated sigh of delight when he felt Avacyn's toes curl into his scruff, clinging to him while she nuzzled the edges of his rapidly glowing markings around his eye, the glow intensifying in the low light as his heart pounded strong and alive in his chest. Glancing up at Ava's beautiful face, he noticed how her marking was glowing just like his, their lights pulsing in perfect sync as their hearts beat in time. Grinning like a giddy pup, Sara couldn't help himself and pressed a firmer kiss right where Ava's pulse was strongest in her throat, sharp fangs nipping at the tender skin there while his massive paws pulled her body all the tighter to his. The gasp that cut off her words and that needy whine sent a delighted shiver rippling down the brute's spine, loving how easy it was to coax these sorts of reactions from her. She was just so damn adorable!

Eventually and with much difficulty from him, Avacyn was able to complete their vows and finish their soul mating ceremony. And just like that, Saracyn was her mate, and Avacyn was his. The twins had been bound by Mendacium custom and Ancient law. Sara's heart skipped beat after beat as Ava gently ushered him up until he was gazing down at her again with the biggest grin of his life on his face, bright cerulean eyes shimmering with love and a few traces of happy tears. He lost himself deep into those obsidian pools of Avacyn's eyes while she lifted the necklace he wore for her over his neck. His token for her was a simple but elegant silver chain, and from the end hung a pendant of flames that mimicked the marking on his face, made from smooth flowing pieces the same lustrous silver. In the center of the flames hung two small gemstones set back-to-back—a blue diamond and a ruby—to represent his eyes and fur color. It was a much more feminine take on his marking, just as the necklace she hung around his neck was a more masculine style of hers. They were both perfect representations of the twins and how they saw one another: so similar yet uniquely different, and so perfectly suited for one another.

Saracyn gazed down at his beautiful mate, his wife, his eyes following her slender neckline down to where his necklace for her lay against her chest, the white metal gleaming against her dark fur in striking contrast. He lifted a paw to catch the pendant hanging from his neck, lifting it to examine it for a moment before returning all of his focus on the gorgeous fae spread out on the bed beneath him. "It's perfect," he whispered to Ava in the quiet darkness of their wedding den, leaning in closer until he could feel her warm breath washing over his lips. "You're perfect. I love you, Avacyn Mendacium." Then, without wasting any time, Sara claimed Ava's lips in a deeply passionate kiss, sealing their union physically as she had done spiritually. The dire brute groaned softly against his new mate's muzzle, blue eyes closing as he gave himself over to the moment. One oversized paw slid down along the side of his svelte fae, following the curve of her hip to grab at her rump and pull her body closer to his. Pressing his hips to hers, Sara joined their bodies together, breaking their kiss with a heated gasp before he immediately went to claim her mouth again, kissing her with all the passion that burned within him as he claimed her body, consummating their marriage and binding them together for all eternity.

- fade -

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
