
Piece By Bloody Piece



05-28-2023, 08:17 PM

The tiger and dark-hued male stand face to face, blood dripping from the male’s maw as he smiles darkly at the tiger. It seems confused that a wolf would unabashedly approach it, let alone attack it and not back off, and it stumbles back to try and put a few steps between them. But Morbid does not back off, his confident stride pulling him right back into the tigress’s face as he strikes out again. Teeth dig into the flesh above and below the creature’s right eye and, like popping a champagne cork, the man easily removes the creature’s eye.

Tendons, like long strands of spaghetti, dangle from his bloody maw as the cat growls and strikes out blindly. It is in pain, with only one eye and no nose to use, which means that Morbid easily dodges the clawed paw. Suddenly, it yowls again and spins in an attempt to strike at something behind her. Curious, the male leans to the side, spying a purple yearling with the same lust for blood that he himself feels burning in his veins. A wink is giving as he slurps the dangling tendons down before cracking a dark grin.

With the feline distracted for the moment, and blind on her right side, Morbid causally strolls around to where she cannot see him. Suddenly, he launches forward, hooking a leg underneath her front leg as he attempts to get her on the ground. If he can get to the tender tissue of her belly… the man plans to take his time and enjoy killing the tigress… if the purple male has no objections.

"Morbid Amarix" | "Latin"