
never taught me how to drown




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-29-2023, 01:28 AM

“I think so” He agreed, voice teasing as he also looked at the remaining liquid and lack of jars. Perhaps he needed to scavenge around some to help top up her supplies… “Mind if I grab my things? Then I can settle in, and won't have to go back out after we’ve been drinking” He explained. Once he had gotten agreement from his new flatmate (Or was it more his new host?) he ducked out of her cosy den to grab his things.

He didn’t have much. Some warm blankets, a blanket he used to carry his belongings from one home to another, and a collection of feathers from when he moulted. Honestly it was… rather small to consider it was all he owned. He glanced at the feathers for a moment, thinking of another wolf who loved to receive his feathers as gifts, and shook his head. Hika had moved on, and all he could do was hope he was happy and that Mort hadn’t messed up his life too much.

He trotted back to Halo and her den and settled inside. As he did so, she explained that she hadn’t tried this batch before. “We could definitely organise a collective space for healer supplies” He agreed as he placed his bedding beside Halo’s and placed his feathers on a shelf. That done, he grabbed his cup and settled down beside her. His eyes found the softness of her lilac gaze. “I don’t think I know how to make my mark anymore” he remarked as she spoke of this place speaking of the both of them. He took a long drink from the alcohol, too quick! While the flavours were great, it was something that was supposed to be savoured, not sculled. His eyes watered as he settled it back down.
