
At the End of the World




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-29-2023, 09:27 AM

That morning had started off a good one. She woke feeling rested, eager to start the day. But not before a bit of nuzzling and loving with her mate. Gavroche, for his tiny size, had so much love to give. He helped Bellamy feel grounded. Feel stable. She was grateful for him, for their children. The existence they had now in Ethne felt perfect. There were hiccups, sure, Saga being kidnapped, Corbin going blind, Hay almost being snatched by a tiger… but they had always bounced back. Came back stronger. Bellamy was sure that their family could overcome anything together, no matter what. Her family was her strength, and she felt that Gavroche was the cornerstone of that strength. The one that held them all together. She left for her patrols with a smile on her face, praying that the day would pass quickly so that she could come back and lay with her mate and children at the end of the night.

The patrol had been pretty standard. Refreshing scent borders, finding no sign of big cats or anything of the like. Ethne was safe. Secure. With the help of the other combatants that had been patrolling she was sure that no danger would slip into their lands. But perhaps she had allowed herself to feel too secure. She had been blind to the fact danger could still lurk close to home… and when the call of alarm arose from Gavroche, Bellamy felt her blood run cold. The call came from outside Ethne lands… What was he doing outside the lands? Alone? Panic began to creep in, a wave of cold washing over the woman as she broke into a run. It would take her time to reach him… she just prayed, Divinities above she prayed that someone else got there before she did…

Bellamy would get her wish, though not the way she wanted. She could smell the heavy stench of blood in the air, even passing by the first mutilated corpse. She realized it wasn’t Gavroche and kept going, her heart hammering in her chest as tears pricked her eyes. Bellamy hadn’t been afraid like this in years… The thought of something happening to Gav, the sweet natured little healer, the one who only ever wanted to help, to see the good in others, rather than cause harm to others… shivers ran down her body as she kept praying, praying against all odds that her mate would be alright.

But it wasn’t enough.

She saw her children first, slowing her steps. Her ears lowered, her gaze falling to what was before them… and then…

She saw Gavroche.

Her heart felt as though it immediately shattered. Like glass that had been struck with a huge rock she could feel the pieces fall, her breath caught in her throat as she took the last few steps forward. She was in disbelief, her gaze never leaving her mate. Bloodied. Torn apart. The evil of the world was always something Bellamy had known about, but she had tried so hard to keep it away from someone as innocent as Gav. She felt like she wasn’t breathing anymore, her heat sinking so low in her chest she was sure she had lost it. The tears that had formed before now slipped down her cheeks. She couldn’t bring herself to speak… What words could she possibly say now? She knew that they would need to find the murderer and avenge Gav, but in that moment, it was all she could do just to try and gather herself together. She stopped completely, squeezing her eyes closed.

How could she be strong for her children when she couldn’t even be strong for herself?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.