
they the wolf crossed the bifrost



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-29-2023, 09:34 AM

The congratulations were appreciated. Bellamy had put in a lot of legwork, quite literally, to get Ethne up and running, and she felt that while she might not have been a perfect alpha, that she was doing everything in her power to be a good one. She wanted the pack to be safe for her family for years to come, as they all grew and had families of their own. Maybe in a couple years she’d feel confident enough to step down and let Hay take the reins. She was sure her daughter would be a good leader, but she also wanted to ensure that her little one had a good foundation before she let her take over.

She kept a steady pace, making sure it was one they could both keep up with and talk without feeling too hurred. He asked about how the previous meetings went and Bells gave a small nod. It was wise to ask - it could help him determine how Valta would stand in regards to Ethne. “The Hallows and Elysium better, though I do not find our standing with the Armada bad. Neither the Armada nor Ethne wish to make enemies of each other, and have opened up offers of trade, but no more at this time.” She spoke honestly. “And currently we are in the middle of a trade deal. It seems like it could be an enjoyable one for both packs.” As well as get her members some things to help build them up and prepare them for when times get rough.

“I got along really well with Artorias. It seems we share a lot of the same values. We are on friendly status, with trade options between us, and intended meetings between our young. We are closest to the Hallows in location, so having wolves who share those things is reassuring. I don’t have to worry about my children getting attacked just for passing by.” Bellamy thought of the pirates with that remark but, for now, she kept her thoughts on them quiet.

“Manea and I seemed to get along well too. Another pack where we are on friendly status, with intended meetings and joint training between our members in the future.” Bellamy let her gaze fall back to him. “I would hope to at least share the same sort of stance with Valta as I would the Armada. We do not seek enemies, but nor do we wish for some other pack to baby us. Neutral terms between us, until Ethne can prove it is worth more than that, if such a thing sounds agreeable to you?” And perhaps a trade option as well, but she wasn’t keen on putting the cart before the horse so to speak.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.