
Losing My Grip



10-25-2013, 09:35 PM

Despite the consistent headache from the swirling emotions and thoughts, Maija was still there enough to piece apart Aoi's words for their meaning. It wasn't a rough translation for the golden female, but it usually wasn't anyway. Dull leaf green eyes looked away from him, out into space as she realized that Aoi wasn't there to taunt her. The games they played on the frozen cliff up north were cast aside, another world away it seemed. In the present, he wasn't playing a game as he spoke the honest feelings that were from his heart and mind. Trust...yeah, trust was something she hadn't felt from another in a long time. Aside from Taurig and the little bit she had felt from Vi, who else could say the feeling was shared with her?
A sigh escaped Maija's lips and she softly said, "It's not because of you, Aoi..." Slowly lowering herself to the ground, she rested her head against the mighty trunk and closed her eyes. The thoughts continued to fight, pushing and pulling with the old memories of Dragomir and the fresher ones of Taurig. She debated on whether she tell the amber-furred male about her problems, what was going on and why she was feeling worse than ever. Maija lacked the ability to trust anyone, explaining why she was so cold and too far to be reached by one encounter. She just wasn't sure...
Her eyes opened and met the light blue gaze of the male in front of her. The internal fight she kept on having was going to get the best of her if she didn't do something soon. "Would you...would you consider it weak of me if I...told you what was really going on?" A part of her was silently pleading with him, hoping that he would want to hear it all, every single bit...and then maybe, if she needed it, help her sort everything. The funny thing was, she was considering him the only person she could speak to about those she waited for him to answer with a sliver of pleading in her gaze.

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