
A formal apology, and among a change[joining]


10-25-2013, 01:04 PM

Oh for the love of everything, things were going more smoothly then she could imagine. The lady shivered slightly as she listened to Taurig's words. She had never been given another chance before, not even after she had tried to escape her fathers grasp in her murder attempts. Her green eyes once filled with insanity, were filled with thankful vibes. Emerald eyes gleamed with delight as she let out a good sigh. She could relax slightly couldn't she? There was no way she could thank him enough, no way possible. "Yes, YES! I understand, I would never want trouble to befall my family. You won't regret it Taurig, I have Poppy, Newt, and Hajime to apologize to. I promise I'll make good work of myself, the best I can." The words spewed out of her mouth oddly. Still trying to get the tears streaming down her face to stop. It was stinging her face wound. Her body already aching from the bruises they had given her from slamming into her. Tail slightly wagging, she looked slightly like a pup looking up at Taurig. A new king, worth serving at that.
"I....I'm not very well off fighting, but I can help with hunting, perhaps even a healer. I am keen on herbs and would like to help those who are hurt." Though at the moment she didn't know if Taurig would even want her around his injured members. It was the least she could do. Kai standing beside her gave her a small nudge just under the chin. His fake warmth giving her slight confidence to the girl who seemed fairly broken but trying her hardest. Ozz looked at Tidus, wondering if he'd think it a good idea for her to be a healer. It was the least she could do, specially in her condition.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,