
You Can Have It All, My Empire Of Dirt




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-29-2023, 04:24 PM

Even as Enki voices his term, the young man knows it is a fool’s hope to put such limits on his stay. Medusa speaks, explain the flaw in his logic and he expels a soft sigh she finishes. Offering an understanding nod, the boy says, “If that happens, I will fight them. But… if you ask me to go hunt down any of my family, I absolutely will not… okay?” Eyebrows quirk in silent question as he amends his stipulation, knowing that, if his family comes to fight against the woman, he will have to stand against them.

Another nod is given at her words of seeing for himself and he offers the woman, who had been so scary in his mind right up until their meeting, a weak smile. For better or worse, their fates are tied together for the next two years. As they walk, Enki allows his gaze to shift to the grassy plain and Medusa continues to talk. The tar pits sound scary but the boy is ready and willing to do whatever is needed of him and, if that includes ekeing out a living in the tar pits, then so be it.

However, the mention of his father and several members of his family living both here, on the plain, and, in the pits, has his paws faltering a moment. Familiar faces will be welcomed and he quietly asks, “Can I visit my family members that live here in the plains?” No matter what has happened, they are all here and he longs to be with them. A thought occurs to the young Enki right then and he turns his gaze to the skeleton marked woman as he also asks, “Will I be allowed to go explore neighboring lands?”

It is an innocent question and the boy simply wishes to know what lands he will have access to during his time in Insomnia. After all, exploring brings him happiness.

"Enki Klein"