
As The Sparrow Flies



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
06-06-2023, 08:24 AM

He stood in the doorway for a moment. His yellow goat-like eyes trained on the crumpled mass of fur and booze that lay upon the floor. There may have been some blood mixed in there too but he wasn’t necessarily focused on that part. Ever since Eden had mysteriously disappeared, things had slowly begun to go downhill for the Pirates. Their Pirate King had messed up her relationship with ol’ Hana-hoe, they kept losing raids (except for that one time they smashed Armada), Eden was gone with only so much as a trail of blood with no scent to follow, and now that fugitive Recluse had gone and died too. The man had never seen Sparrow is such disarray. Over the time he had come to be a Pirate, he always knew her as strong and confident with a flair for the dramatics. Of course, now as he looked upon her sleeping figure, he realized he considered her like a sister. It would be stupid of him to think she didn’t have feelings, didn’t have complications that she hid behind closed doors, that her bravado in front of the pack was merely a facade. He understood more clearly now than ever before as he stepped into her quarters and moved to lay beside her.

I won’t leave you behind, but someone has to start picking up the pieces,” his deep rumble of a voice was but a soft murmur in her ear. It was not often that Gilgamesh spoke with sympathy, but today would be one of those few and far between moments. Unlike his feelings toward males, females always held a sort of soft spot in his heart. To witness her so dejected made his tiny shriveled heart feel pain, if only for a moment. “There are packs to be raided, treasures to be taken, and yearlings to whip into shape,” Gil continued as he lifted his chin and laid it over her shoulders to help comfort her. Though he knew Sparrow would probably prefer the comfort of a woman during these moments, he figured maybe some brotherly tough love would help as well. “I see potential in our offspring. They are willing, they have spunk, but they need direction. My plan is to move everyone out to that abandoned structure where we can focus on training. You can stay here to heal and come find us later or I’ll have Ignis and Modesty drag your face through the sand for a wake up call,” he chuckled before ruffling her scruff with his nose.

Gil would slide away at that moment and roll up onto all four paws. He felt the ache of old injuries in his bones and wondered if he should find a healer one of these days. A good one to keep around. Turning to head out of the ship, he stopped in the doorway one last time. “You will always be the Pirate King,” his whisper died on a raspy breath as he closed his eyes and told himself to stay strong and buck up. If Sparrow were to look up at him, she might notice a bit of wetness around his eyes but one could never be too sure.

As he moved from the doorway and shut the door behind him, he stood up tall and pushed his chest out a little farther. Today would be the day he ascended into greatness and took on the roll that he had had his eye on for awhile. If it had not been for Sparrow and her fearless leadership, he probably would have challenged her for it by now. Feeling as ready as he ever would be, he looked out from the ship’s marooned port toward the opening of Time’s Cavern. Morning light was just beginning to cascade from the top of the opening and light up what few glass windows the ship had left.

Moving slowly, he stopped at his own room first and peeked his head in. Approaching his own wife (well, they would make official one day), he placed a tender kiss on the top of her head. “Want to watch me become a King?” He murmured in her ear before giving it a playful tug. Without waiting for her to stir, Gil turned and slipped from their chambers. Taking no more time, he traveled the path out onto the deck and stood at the hull. Tipping his mottled head back with his lips facing the sparkling cavern ceiling, he released a howl for all those that called themselves Pirates. “You won’t want to miss out on today!” Gil yelled out to the ship to start waking those that would want to watch him take Sparrow’s place. It was still early and while he was sure most were probably hung over and sleeping, he knew they would rustle out of their stupors to go out onto the beach for something like this. If only Pyralis could be here to see it.

With an almost somber feeling in his chest, Gil moved himself down the gangplank that was attached to the side of the ship onto the fine sand of the cavern’s floor. The path was natural to him. This place was home to them and had been for awhile. The move would be good. It would be refreshing - especially for the young ones who needed a change of pace. While he could almost move about the cavern with his eyes closed, he didn’t today. His gaze was firmly set on the beach as he approached the cavern’s opening. Sand stuck to his toes as he made his way out into the morning light. Summer was upon them and finally the rays that cast down over the blackened sand was warm and welcoming. A perfect day to stake a claim!

He walked with ease. There was no hurry to his steps as he made his way to the spot where they usually congregated for meetings. It was the place Azure had come to savagely tear their pack apart. The place where the yearlings had had their first birthdays. Where they had discussed who to raid next. It was an important spot for the Pirates and this would be the last time they meet here. Embracing the oceanic wind that ruffled his fur, Gil stood in the middle of the meeting area and turned around in a circle to take in the sights. He wanted to remember this beach, the cavern, the ship, all of the Pirate’s lands for what it was before their next chapter started. Tiny sea birds skittered across the wet sand as a wave rolled out. Little pockets of air and water bubbled along the shore as foam-capped waves washed away the various sea life. Toward the other side, tall grass bent over in a sort of hello as small rodents poked their heads out of their holes. Gil would miss all of it and he couldn’t deny the heavy feeling in his chest.

There was no more time to waste! As soon as word got out that Sparrow no longer controlled the Pirates, he was certain other wolves would descend upon the opportunity. If he wanted a chance at his rightful position, he would have to take it now. Once more lifting his chin to the sky, Gil let loose a beckoning howl. There was a commanding tone to it as he allowed his vocals to rise in volume to heights they had never quite reached before. He wanted anyone and everyone to hear this. Pirate’s Plunder was no more and he was here to take over. With the morning sunrise at his back and the ocean water lapping at his toes, he lowered his chin and looked around. It would be the waiting game now. Waiting for challengers, waiting for other alphas, waiting for the rest of the Pirates to rustle from their slumber. They would come. To balk, to celebrate, to attack, it didn’t matter. He would be ready and waiting.



gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him