
like watching over a thermonuclear reactor



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-31-2023, 08:19 AM

Akito followed his mother and siblings away from the maze because she had told them to. He quite preferred the comfort of the bamboo and the way the stalks knocked together. Was that not enough for her? For his siblings? Either way, he would be positive about the adventure and resolved to the fact that he would probably learn something new along the way. If not, he would get to spend time with all of his siblings which wasn’t as often as one might think. He spent quite a bit of his time training amongst the shadows of the bamboo.

When they approached the dismal, dark, and blood-splattered plain, his monochrome gaze shifted over to their mother. As she plopped herself down in some shade and told them to go find a bone to chew on, his brow furrowed. That was it? No lesson? No nothing? Just go find some bones to chew on? He would have protested if it wasn’t for Morg and Al calling out about who could find the biggest bone. This caused his furrowed brow to raise slightly in interest. After all, he was the biggest of the lot of them and in they thought about it, he would be the one who could even pick up the biggest bone.

Shifting his weight to turn his body to face his siblings, he watched as they scampered away into the ruins. Skeletons, complete and some not, lay everywhere. Some caked in blood, some shattered, and some with fur and skin still left on it. Buzzards flapped their wings and eyed them suspiciously. The pup wouldn’t be surprised if hyenas or some other predator showed up either. Glancing over to Otis, his mother’s companion, he shared a questioning look with the marsupial before moving over to where Morg and Al had congregated.

Quickly, before he could get thwacked upside the head, Akito kept a wide berth away from his brother. “Watch out with that thing,” he almost chastised as he let out a soft breath of concern. His own gaze then roved over their selection to see if he could possibly find something bigger than what his brother had grabbed onto. It was true though. The bone Al had between his jaw was rather large and nearly the size of himself. Would he be able to find anything close in size to that?

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. like watching over a thermonuclear reactor The Boneyard 09:56 PM, 05-26-2023 01:27 PM, 09-27-2023