
Waiting for Superman


11-09-2013, 03:53 PM

He'd been spending all of his time worrying. Worrying about who would come to Ludicael, who try to take his pack from his family, who try to uproot his sol Jupiter. Why couldn't his pack just be left alone? What had they done to deserve any of this? He didn't believe that any of it was necessary. Ludicael was a peaceful pack. It didn't mess with the affairs of other packs, didn't go around challenging others for no apparent reason. Ludicael kept to itself and was only seen when it was defending one of its own. So help him, anyone that tried to lay a paw on any of the members of his pack would be answering to his jaws.

A quiet sigh slipped past the sable knight's lips as his eyes fluttered open, unable to sleep. All the worrying he was doing was keeping him up at night and sleep was a hard thing to come by these days. Bi-colored eyes would dance around him to the sleeping figures of his wife and children, gaze falling on one specific figure; lakota. She was the baby of the litter, the smallest at the moment, but the proud father knew that she wouldn't stay that way for long. She still had a long way to grow up. Slowly the man would uncurl himself around from his wife, careful in his movements so that he wouldn't wake her as he tiptoed around her until he was beside Lakota, muzzle gently pressing into her side. Wake up my little one. Let's go greet the morning. He would nudge her a few more times before turning away to make his way to entrance, nostrils flaring as the crisp scents of the morning invaded his senses. Chest would inflate with a huge gulp of oxygen before deflating as he turned back to look into the den, waiting for his youngest daughter to emerge and join him.

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