
Piece By Bloody Piece



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-31-2023, 07:15 PM

Before the tigress whirled around to face him, the other male wolf had removed one of its eyes. This left a rather gruesome sight behind, as tendons and nerves coiled out from the bloody hole in its skull. It was enticing to see, enthralling even, as it shot a wave of arousal down the boy’s spine. He didn’t falter in his attack, lunging forward with splayed jaws as he shredded through the tendons in its hind limb. A massive clawed paw came swinging in his direction, which forced him to pivot and release his hold to avoid getting smacked.

With the tigress’s attention on him, the other male took the opportunity to attack. Whatever he did, which Sephiran could not see given his positioning, made the tiger falter and stumble to the ground. She released an enraged snarl, one that dared the two wolves to pursue her further. And Sephiran took the taunt as an invitation. He surged forward, ducking down closer to the ground, to bring himself more level with the tiger. With jaws splayed, he bit into the thin underbelly of the beast, before raking his saber fangs from the umbilicus down to the groin to split her open. He had to leap away quickly to avoid the swiping claws that came his way.

Whether it died quickly or not, didn’t matter to the Saxe boy, because his goal had already been achieved. He would allow the other male to deliver the finishing blow, or let the tigress bleed out into a slower death. Either way, they had fought and defeated it. With blood dripping from his maw, he turned his attention to the cub that sparked his infatuation in the beginning of the encounter. He strode forward, closing the gap between himself and his newest toy, before he reached down to grab it by the scruff. It growled in protest, kicking and flailing as it tried to get away. But it’s fate was already sealed.


*note: we are using the two-round skill pass thread from Hermes here

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.