
Our New Beginning

Lucette's Birth



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

05-31-2023, 09:06 PM

If all of the kings

Bae had been up earlier than normal this morning. He knew Luce was due any day now but he did his best to not dwell on that fact, since it would usually start him freaking out. He wasn't even sure he would make a good dad. He'd start to think on it and everytime he did he would start freaking out. What would he do if something happened to Lucy?

Her mother would kill him.

Though then again, he hadn't seen Bellamy in days. Not since the news. It had been shocking. Gav, the sweet little healer, murdered? It made his blood boil now. And bells was likely falling apart. Luce was sad too.

He needed to do everything he could to hold Lucy and Bellamy together. He needed to be their rock. Their need for him is what kept him here. He wanted nothing more than to track down the killer though, to rend them limb from limb. He wanted to show them what happened to someone who messed with his family.

He'd been on a dark train of thought this morning. His eyes were dark as he freshed a border mark. He growled every now and again at the area beyond their borders. If it wasn't for Lucy, for his love of her and his need to keep her safe, he would of already gone off the rails and trekked across Auster for the killer. His attention was grabbed by a flash of color in the trees.

His head snapped to the tree inside the border, darkened eyes looking for the color. Finally his eyes settled on it, Ruby. He gave her a sigh. Before his thoughts snapped him to attention. He had left her with Lucy, like he normally did. She was puffed up and anxiously fluttering her wings as she moved back and forth. Something was up. She wouldn't be here otherwise. She was panicked.

Without a second thought he turned towards the dens and loosed a howl for Bellamy. Whether she would hear or not he wasn't sure. But whoever was closer needed to get there now.

He stepped it up, breaking into a sprint for the dens. Either Lucy was hurt or she was in labor. The last thing he intended was to leave her to do it alone. Her howl as he broke into a run drove him harder. It was a desperate noise. She was scared of something and he would kill for her, she knew it.

He rushed through the territory, quickly making it to the den in what felt like record time. He caught sight just as Ruby flew in, likely to her perch. She wouldn't get in the way. He made for the den and broke through the entrance, hackles raised as he assessed the area first. Lucy on the bed, Nova gone, ink and rush close by. No one but them.

He took a few deep breaths as he panted and forced himself to relax from the adrenaline and his readiness to kill something. He'd been on edge and been keeping just how on edge from Lucy.

After he was sure he was calmer he moved then, carefully towards Lucy, hoping he hadn't scared her with his bursting in. His eyes took everything in as his lips moved to ask the question he needed to. "Ruby get Bellamy. What do you want me to do?" he took in the tears on her face and moved his paw to wipe them away with the back of his paw. He had no idea what to do other than calm her down and make her remember the healing training she had with her dad.

He sat off the bed to give her as much space as possible but still directly in front of her. He was here for her, her rock in the hardest of times.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. Our New Beginning Lazuli Falls 09:05 PM, 05-30-2023 06:18 AM, 09-25-2023