
I’m Young and I love to be Young

For Darling Sephiran


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
06-01-2023, 03:21 PM

Fueled by curiosity, Sephiran had set out on a rather long journey the evening before today. He had seen the islands from the coast when he visited Aresenn’s pack, and since that night, he couldn’t shake his interest in what might inhabit those islands. They weren’t too far off from the mainland, but battling the open water of the ocean had been harder than he anticipated. The depths were pitch black below him, though a flash of grey would catch his attention here and there. Large fish, maybe sharks. It put him on edge, but he kept his attention on the task at hand. Guided by the illumination of the moon and the soft glow of the stars, he used them as a guide until he was able to feel sand beneath his paws again. By the time he reached the shore of the first island, it was nearly midnight, and he was exhausted.

He spent the rest of the night sleeping on the shore beneath the canopy of coconut trees clustered together. It wasn’t until daybreak that he would regain consciousness, as the warmth of the summer sun rose above the horizon to take its place in the sky. It was his cue to start his investigation of the island. Rising to his paws, he stretched out his muscles, which were sore from the swim here. Then, he yawned quite loudly, before his jaws closed together with an audible click.

Padding along the shore, he decided to test the perimeter of the island first, to see just how large this one was. He had reached the halfway mark, only stopping to take a glance towards the treelike, because the sound of underbrush shuffling caught his attention. Dual-toned eyes narrowed, and he watched for movement for several seconds. There. A flash of grey, and the scent of female pheromones intertwining with the salty air. Intriguing. Like a buzzard drawn to a carcass, Sephiran strode forward, trampling over the foliage until he was close enough to see what he was up against.

A girl was laying on her back, exposing the soft, thin, vulnerable flesh of her underbelly. It enticed him… made thoughts of how her entrails would look, adorning his shoulders like a necklace, forming inside of his head. “Well… aren’t you confident.” He called out to her in deep baritones, as a sly smirk tiger at his lips. Her naivety to danger made him want to break her.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.