
Why is the Rum Gone?!


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
06-02-2023, 12:39 PM

With each wave of throbbing pain in his head, he couldn't help but clench his eyes shut a little bit tighter. Though, much to his pleasant surprise, the shade of the beech tree did help provide some relief. With a paw pressed to his head- tracing small circles over his temple- Aresenn silently began to contemplate how he was going to retrace steps he didn't remember taking. He was so distracted by his own inner musings, the approach of a stranger went unnoticed- or at least until she announced herself with a dry-humored barb at his expense. While he wouldn't withdraw the paw he had since rooted firmly to his forehead above his eye, he'd adjust it to the side a bit so he could get a look at the girl who had approached him. If he had the energy to banter with her, he would have. But instead, he put his paw back in place before shutting his eyes once more- making it obvious that he wasn't interested in trouble even if she was. "I’ll trust your judgement." He answered flatly in a tone that was only mildly exasperated.

As the girl circled around, he could hear her footfalls shift in the sand. If he were in the mood to argue, he would accuse her of being a scavenger herself. However, the energy to do so evaded him. When she asked what was wrong, her concern didn't seem too genuine.  So he'd leave it with as short of a response as he got in an inquiry. "You could say that." Aresenn responded with a snort as he took another opportunity to look her over. "Though, I'm sure someone would stake the claim it was never good to begin with." The Praetor boy finished while maintianing a blank expression, but if one listened closeley, there might be some of his own humor burried beneath his words.

Though, as she went on indicating his hide would be a waste as crowfood, that earned an airy chuckle. "It would be an honor- just make sure I really am dead before you start harvesting. Walking around without skin doesn’t seem too pleasant." He mused, sure that if she ever did go to take his pelt, he wouldn't have to worry about living too much longer if he was dead when she started or not. Oh, the fun of morbid satire. Though he didn't linger on that particular line of thought for much longer- as he was interrupted by another violent, stabbing sensation behind his eyes. Visually recoiling in pain, he clench his teeth with a sharp inhale before grumbling. "But you could have this head if it doesn’t stop throbbing." As the words rolled off his tongue, even Aresenn wasn't certain if he was joking or not.

"Aresenn Praetor"

*psssst* Hover over the image to make it go opaque.