
Sneaking Out



10-25-2013, 03:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They came, and quickly, and for that Ashtoreth was grateful. She was worried about the fighting line and how it might change while they gathered, whether their chance to escape would still be there by the time they had made for the border. But it seemed those who were going remained close to the pack's camp so all it had taken was her call for them to come forward. If they were anything like her, they were likely relieved to have something to do, even if it was only getting away from the fighting taking place just on the outskirts of their homeland.

Pups, hunters, and healers came toward her, and she did her best to appear the strong, steady leader that they would need to get them to the Seracian borders. Inside, however, she fought the urge to shiver. Her gold and purple eyes skirted across the nervous faces of Solaine and Alamea, the healers Soleil and Imena, and Seraphine and Cael. Almost absently she caught the male's question, inquiring after the young wolves not present, but even as she glanced around she saw no sign of them and hoped as the group waited they would wander closer.

An unfamiliar face appeared in their midst, immediately setting the little grey hunter on edge. Beside him walked two others, females in very poor condition, and though the sight of their deteriorated states made her wish to ask a healer to inspect them the war right on their doorstep made her reluctant to openly offer aid to anyone without knowing anything about them. For all she knew, they could have been part of the enemy, feigning innocence in order to get close to those defenseless against the Glaciem warriors. The male spoke for the two females, professing to be from Tortuga and protecting these two runaways from Amenti, one of which being his sibling. Uncertainly, Ash glanced around at those present, trying to gauge other reactions, before she turned back and addressed them. "You picked a bad time to come asking for help," she answered tensely, sensing sincerity about the male and the two he was with but still too uneasy to commit to anything he suggested. "If you want sanctuary in Seracia, you'll have to ask for it yourself. Sorry." Whether he chose to have them follow or not was his choice; either way she intended to keep a close eye on him, for safety's sake, in case his words turned out to be false.

Another young wolf joined them - Sevan - along with Rayne and Erani to collect Soleil. Ashtoreth bid the healers farewell and good luck with a simple nod of her head, shifting a little in place with impatience. They needed to leave, and soon, or else risk being stuck behind the fighting line. Meili and Meinx appeared to join them, the younger moving to comfort her sister and the hunter falling in line with the rest. Shifting her attention to Cael, wondering if he had noticed the arrivals of two of the young wolves he had questioned about, Ash spoke to him, "Cael, if you don't mind hanging back a bit for the last of us, I'm going to start leading the way. We need to get going." And she really did hope they would not be long.

"Okay, stay with me. We're going to Seracia." The announcement was made to address them all, and with a still uncertain and somewhat suspicious glance toward Hansel and his party the grey hunter turned and began to lead the way, winding a course through the more densely forested areas of Valhalla in order to hide their escape and keeping well away from the plains in which most of the battles were likely to be taking place. She tried not to think of the fighting just out of sight, the losses they might take or the damage their home might face with the invaders so close; instead her focus was on following the path within her mind that led from her home to that of the Range, certainty in her steps even if she was still frightened about the events taking place.

She did not stop as they traveled, only slowed to encourage those who needed it, to keep their group together despite the ground they covered. It was only when they approached the borders of the pack's territory that she brought them to a stop, hesitating a moment before she howled quietly to those within Seracia, hoping one of them would be willing to give them a welcome to confirm the arrangements they had been told of and to point them in the right direction now that they had arrived.

OOC: I think almost everyone has posted - maybe or close to it? - so I figured we could keep things going. c: In Seracia now, so Seracians welcome!