
Hello there, neighbor!




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-03-2023, 12:37 PM

Bellamy was sure that the adults of her pack would appreciate the drinks. Sometimes it was hard to relax, and that was something she knew such drinks were able to help with. She was curious if Dagrun would like the beverages the Hallows made. If they had the means to make their own drinks, however, she was sure that they would be good. “If they weren’t good, Artorias, I doubt your pack would keep using the resources to make such drinks. I bet all who partake will love them.” She meant those words wholeheartedly. She knew wolves would put a lot of love and care into their crafts. And it seemed that Artorias received Ethne’s offer of gifts just as well. In her experience children enjoyed crafting together, especially while still fairly young, or even just collecting new things. And her own children had a taste for the candy, which is what gave her the idea of using it as an export for the pack. There was certainly enough of it. “Seems a common trait with all little ones. If it tastes good, they want it~” Especially if it wasn’t the healthiest for them.

Artorias would lead the woman to the castle, the looming building far, far bigger up close. Bellamy was fascinated with the structure. Made of sturdy stone, vines climbing up some of the walls. Not to mention how beautiful the courtyard and gardens were. It was no wonder that the Hallows had decided to settle here. The surrounding area was beautiful, and it seemed rich with resources to help the pack thrive. “Your home as a whole is lovely. I can see why you all settled here.” Gentle words. “You can practically feel the warmth and safety from these walls.” It was strange being inside the castle. It was different from the cave she called home, yet similar. Her claws clicked against the smooth floors, echoing slightly with each step. She was brought to a massive room filled with flat topped wooden structures. Bellamy was once more in aw. The land of the Hallows was different from any other pack she’d seen.

As Artorias gave her the go ahead to empty the bag Bellamy would start to sort through the items she’d brought with her, setting aside herbs and the feathers separately. Some valerian root, watercress, meadowsweet, and alfalfa were among the herbs - ones that Gavroche said grew plentiful either in Ethne lands or close enough to gather them. Bellamy also did her best to shift through the feathers and organize them in four piles for the different colors. She had always been in awe of how Gav’s wings molted. She’d never even seen birds with such a colorful display. Bellamy’s gaze softened as she looked at the feathers. She knew Gav was happy to help contribute.

Artorias would return with a satchel and as Bellamy took it from him she gave a grateful nod. “Oh I’m sure we’ll be back for more before long.” The woman winked. “I’m sure my husband will be partial to the red. I’ll be curious to see which one suits my palate more. The white has me quite curious.” Bellamy dipped her head. “Thank you for bringing me to your home, Artorias. I am sure that the bonds between Ethne and the Hallows can only bloom into something stronger. You and your wolves are always welcome to visit us as well. It will be a pleasure to offer a place of rest to such kind wolves.” She lifted her gaze back to his. “For now though I should probably get going. I’m sure my mate and children will be waiting. Would you be so kind to see me out?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.