
Tie me kangaroo down



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
06-03-2023, 04:30 PM
Bonus seasonal - hunting/healing

Cricket wasn't quite sure what had possessed her to travel so far from Insomnia. Surely Ghoul and Mac were worried, and she wasn't sure either of them would quite be up to travelling this far yet, but she really wanted to add some Kava to her growing collection of plants, and hadn't managed to find any within the vicinity of the tar pits. At least she knew the climate down this way would be right for growing it.

A giant wave had almost swept her clean off the land bridge, she had to dart around pack borders and cautiously climb down the side of a slippery waterfall. As surefooted as the tiny wolf was, she didn't have the reach of a larger wolf, so everything seemed to be so much more effort. Now she stood at the edge of a vaguely familiar twisted wood. Her twitchiness was gone, replaced with determination. The sooner she got what she came here for, the sooner she could get home.

She took a small blade she had borrowed from Mac, and used it to carve an arrow into the tree trunk facing back the way she had come from. She would have to stop every few trees to make sure she could see the one before when she carved the next. She had no intention of getting lost in this creepy wood. The air smelled damp and earthy, just like the plants she sought, but each time her green eyes fell on where she thought the plants might be, all that was left was stalks. Someone was going to be so chilled when she snuck up on them to slit their throat and recover the plants from their digestive tract!

The small green wolf would have ground her molars together if she didn't still have the small blade clutched between her teeth. Cricket couldn't help but take it personally. She had come all this way, and for what? Stems? Determined to find the creature responsible, the girl scanned the surroundings, dropped her nose to the ground and the bushes and the twisted tree trunks, searching for any clue that would lead her to the culprit.

An earthy, musky aroma tickled her nose. She followed the scent across the ground and up, up, up the tree until she couldn't stretch any higher. There, more than just out of reach, was a russet brown bottom attached to an impossibly long tail. It's deer-like head turned to look down at her as it clutched more kava leaves between its front paws and slowly munched away.

Cricket's frustration morphed into a fiery determination and she dropped the knife at the bottom of the tree. She clawed at the trunk of the tree and barked. She pushed at the tree with her paws to try and shake it to no avail and made a god-awful racket. The tree kangaroo was too fucking stoned to pay her any mind, as she began hopping on her back legs trying to reach the lowest lying branch to pull herself up and push this asshole clean off his branch. All this way for what? He better not have eaten every plant in the goddamn woods.


It's time to raise the curtain
