
Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident

Pack Guest Hunt



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

06-03-2023, 10:11 PM

As the young Unagi learns more about hunting, the pup has found that prey animals prefer to be most active during dawn and dusk. Since the girl usually prefers to remain locked in slumber land while her tiny, pudge body is wrapped snugly around her siblings, she usually misses the early morning hunts. But today is different. She teeters on the verge of waking and sleep, a strange restlessness coming over her. Maybe it is because her rather rotund belly is empty.

A growl pulls her awake and she stares down at her stomach, whispering sleepily, “Shush. ‘m tryin’ to sleep!” As if it can hearsher, her empty belly gurgles again, complaining about how little she had had to eat before turning in for bed. With a small sigh, she pulls her body from the snuggle body, readying herself for a raid on the friendly pack’s food stores when a call reaches her ears. Oh, how fortuitous! Eagerly the pup pushes herself free form the bodies, tumbling out onto the den floor with a soft, “Oof”.

Springing up to her paws, Unagi immediately tips back over as her sleepy limbs wrap around each other. With a huff, the black and white girl carefully rights herself, looking back to check that the others are still asleep before racing out to where the call had oriented from. Being small and… round, it takes the puppy some time to arrive and, when she does, she is out of breath and panting heavily. Offering the other two adults a nod of greeting, the girl moves right up to her other mother and offers her a loving nuzzle.

With that done, Unagi moves a short way off and flops down, tongue hanging out as she pants and waits to hear what they are doing.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"

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1. Hunter By Trade, Mother By Accident Mile-High Woods 06:33 AM, 06-01-2023 01:24 PM, 09-27-2023