
Let me in, unlock the door



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-25-2013, 05:47 PM

It was pleasant to spend some time with a new member and get a feel for what he was like. It seemed that first impressions went far with her, and so far he seemed respectful and pleasant, albeit rather stoic; though that was not necessarily a bad quality to have. It was often better to be in control of ones emotions than careless and free with them -- at least, in her opinion. Always composed, trying to maintain an air of regality that she knew was so important.

Quietly she had entered the structure, peering into the darkness somewhat warily as though half-expected someone to be lurking within. It really was a great shelter from the elements, and she was grateful that retreating to here was an option through the brutal winter nights. If a blizzard happened to sweep through, the wolves could easily all pack inside and keep one another warm, in the case of an emergency.

"You're more than welcome to sleep in here," she suggested, through it wasn't the most private place. But it was a viable option, if he could find nothing else, and the central location made it quite safe if he was worried about that kind of thing. "Or wherever you feel is best. Like I said, we will not ask much of you. Make yourself comfortable, please." Mirroring the way that her husband had shown her when she had first explored the barn, she gracefully leapt on top of one of the tractors, landing comfortably on the leather seat. It was all strange, and she knew it all had some use, but it was utterly lost to her.