
How Many Sunrises Will You Be Blessed With? [Rivin]



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-04-2023, 09:52 PM

At least talking with Pyralis could still make her smile. The corners of her lips turned up a little at the older woman’s remark and she chuckled softly. She wasn’t quite sure that was it, but it would be amusing if that was the case. She was praising Riv for learning on her own too. Her green gaze lit up at the thought of Pyralis teaching her but she was right, it wouldn’t be the same as a true lesson. Pyr lived with a paw between worlds, and there was no telling how much time she had left. Despite that she still brought up a good point. Maybe she needed to stop trying to rely on her father and instead think about seeking mentorship from one of the other adults. Maybe even Gil… hmm…

Unfortunately though Pyralis would not be able to get more time here. Rivin’s ears fell a little at that. She hated that she couldn’t give the old wolf a new body, but hearing she was in pain daily was something Rivin hadn’t known. Pyralis had been tough, able to push through that pain. She was truly the sort of woman Rivin wanted to be as she aged, someone that enjoyed life to the fullest, and didn’t care what others thought of her actions. So long as she had those of the pirates by her side, right? Or… a flicker of doubt within Rivin asked the question. Was she really meant to be a pirate? Would she continue to be happy here? No, nevermind what she wanted. She let her gaze shift to the ocean for a moment, smiling sadly.

“Those things have never changed, thankfully. The air is still salty, and the breeze still likes to play with our fur.” She let her gaze slide back to Pyr. “We’re definitely going to try to. I know I’m not going to be satisfied just sitting on my ass and becoming a sloth like dad.” This time her smile picked up into a grin. “I’m going to become strong, Pyralis, and when I do I’m going to make my own mark on this world. No idea how, or when, but it’s going to happen.” At least she was starting to feel better being able to talk with the older pirate like this.

“You said there is no pain now? Is it like that… where you go next? What is it like there?” She was curious, and wondered if it was something that Pyr would even be able to answer.

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.