
Drive My Life




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Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
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06-04-2023, 10:06 PM
Her cousin would chuckle, making the comment that she was about to say the same. Nirvana gave a small nod. Usually yes, however… “It is normally easier for me to be active at night. Harsh sunlight can be a bit much for my eyes, much to my annoyance. I can usually push through, but it can be a bit of a handicap.” Whereas moonlight was much gentler, and she had grown accustomed to traveling by night. It could sometimes make hunting easier too, giving her a chance of ambushing prey. She would continue to pad along with Avacyn, her red gaze thoughtful as she waited to hear what brought her cousin out at this hour. It felt nice to be able to walk with a fellow Mendacium though, even if Avacyn did appear to have something troubling her mind.

Avacyn would confess that she was anxious, and that unless she could take that away or fast forward the time to get her past the coronation, there wasn’t much could do to help. Nirvana’s expression did not sour at that. Instead, it softened, and the woman let her gaze slide to her cousin in understanding. “Unfortunately those things are outside the realm of my abilities. But at the very least I can keep you company for a while. Perhaps offer a bit of a distraction to an otherwise racing mind.” Nirvana’s words were kind, her gaze shifting back to the rock garden around them.

“That said, should you ever need anything done that is something I can assist with, all you have to do is ask. I know that I’ve not yet proved myself here, but I am always willing to put in the work and assist how I can. I’ve taken to patrolling the Rock Garden at night, keeping an eye out for any predators that might dare to cross our borders. Sometimes I even wander over to the territory of the lake as well.” Nirvana spoke calmly, tail swishing behind her at a leisurely and thoughtful pace. She was sure there would come a time when she would be of more use to her pack but, for now, she focused on doing the little bits she could, discipling herself into a comfortable routine.

"Nirvana Mendacium"
Nirvana has two companions - a common genet and a red-footed falcon. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Drive My Life The Rock Garden 10:57 PM, 04-24-2023 06:22 AM, 09-25-2023