
Birdies everywhere




Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
06-04-2023, 10:07 PM
The day was overcast, a thick layer of clouds hiding the harsh sun that normally made it harder for Nirvana to survey the land around her. Yet, though the skies had darkened, there was no rain. At least not yet. You could smell it coming though, and could practically feel it in how the wind blew across the lands. Setting out in her feathered cape, wearing her dagger, the woman had decided to take a stroll through one of the lands neighboring Elysium and survey it for potential resources and the like. The albino woman had grown comfortable with the Rock Garden, the territory that she called home, and she enjoyed frequenting the lake, but the Rustling Thicket was an interesting territory of its own.

The first thing that Nirvana would notice about the thicket was how overgrown it was. As she stepped out of Elysium the grass started to grow taller. Nirvana furrowed her brow as she walked, noticing how those grasses tickled up her legs. The further in she walked, the taller the grass started to become. They seemed to want to stretch up towards the earth, and in the trees she could hear the voices of a great many birds that made the territory their home. Well, should she ever crave the taste of bird, she knew where she was coming to hunt dinner. The albino woman flicked her ears forward, nose twitching as she caught the scent of another. Ah, she recognized that pack scent. Valta.

Nirvana would let her paws carry her through the squishy grass, welcoming its cool feel on her paws as she drew closer to Kotori as he tossed the dove in his bag. “Having some good hunting luck, are we?” Her words weren’t incredibly warm, but nor did they hold the tone of one who had malice on the brain. She tilted her head to the side slightly, furrowing her brow a little. The man’s description seemed quite interesting. Was this the leader of Valta? Kotori Fatalis? Nirvana would refrain from saying anything more for the moment, waiting for the earthen colored male to respond to her.


Explored a new land: Rustling Thicket - 1/3

"Nirvana Mendacium"
Nirvana has two companions - a common genet and a red-footed falcon. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.