
Our New Beginning

Lucette's Birth



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

06-04-2023, 10:09 PM

If all of the kings

She looked so scared and as much as Bae-Syl wished he could vanish that fear he knew he simply did not have that power. This wasn't a physical enemy he could just muscle and maul away from her. No, this was what he had done to his pixie.

She responded to his query, listing things to him like the shaman she was. He could hear behind him as ruby took flight and flew from the cave, following his orders. She would get Bellamy, and though the parrot had never uttered words she had a way with knowing how to convey things to her companions. His attention turned fully on Luce then. He took her orders in and nodded as ink placed the second parcel next to him, his paw then gently moving it to be between his front paws.

Lucy looked so small and terrified right now. Bae had no idea how to make it better other than to grab the parcel and move to be beside her and laying with her. He dropped the parcel against his chest gently. He knew he could trust the kodkod to remember what Lucy could not. "I'm here Luce, and nothing short of death could make me leave." he was quiet but behind those words was the promise that his strength was hers. "You got this Lucy." he gave her the only encouragement he could see to give her. Her mother would hopefully be here soon, but with the way Lucy's contractions were, he wasn't sure Lucy wouldn't be already done whe she arrived.

He watched her as she had another contraction. Worry was written on his face. She had to be fighting the urge to push, meaning this morning when he went to patrol she was likely already beginning to labor. If Bellamy knew and was in the wrong mind she likely would want him dead. He would have to judge her mood when Ruby brought her here. His attention was on Lucette for now though.

He nudged her cheek with his nose though as he spoke, "Don't hurt yourself Luce, if you need to push you push."

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. Our New Beginning Lazuli Falls 09:05 PM, 05-30-2023 06:18 AM, 09-25-2023