


10-25-2013, 06:47 PM

Almost immediately after launching an attack she would feel a swift glancing blow to her paw and then he was fleeing. How pitiful, a warrior of Valhalla running from her very being. It would be then that a flurry of cobalt would flash in the corner of her eye, just enough to alert her to someone's presence, but not enough to let her know that she was under attack. However, the sudden barreling force to her side was certainly enough, and within seconds she found herself crumpled upon the earth in heap - a dull ache ebbing in her shoulder and hip bones on her left side. The Sentinel was dazed and confused, and immediately moved to cover her vulnerable underside, still unaware precisely whom she was fighting. But then he was there, a flash of his eyes let her know in an instant - Taurig. With haste she would calm herself, knowing he meant her no harm - but what exactly was his motive in barreling her onto her side in the middle of a damn siege? ?Have you lost your mind?!? she would huff, not ready yet to launch an attack of her own - not on her beloved nephew. She would remain as she now lay, twisted back onto her stomach to protect it in the event that he had some crazed thirst for her blood. Ears lay back against her skull as her heart pounded in her chest - uncertain of just what was going on. At one point in life she had never imagined anything that could take her mind off of a war - but it seemed he was capable of doing so. Head still spinning, she would bare her teeth - demanding an answer from her exiled kin and hoping it was decent enough to warrant the pain that ebbed in her side where she'd fallen.

Sendoa v Taurig
for Sendoa
round 1 / 3 (3 is fine with me, though I'm not sure they'll get there...)
Attacks - none taken.
Defenses - ears laid back, fangs bared, laying on her stomach for protection.

Injuries - Moderate - Severe bruising in her shoulder & hip bone on her left side