
Let it be



10-25-2013, 07:13 PM

Rivaxorus only blinked at the woman, her gaze softened as well, well that was barely one piece of the crap she had to deal with. The events in which she went on a rampage were mildly left out, that was something she'd never tell anyone. The only ones who knew were the ones who had bared witness to her, and they were long dead. Souls that she only begged that she could bring back from the dead, but it was all impossible miracles that she tried to believe in. Her glimmering red eyes looked over the queen. Something the queen would never be able to understand, was the darkness that only sat among a spiders thread around Rivaxorus' heart. A thread she'd never be able to get rid of until she died.
They indeed did need to do things they didn't want. But, will all that being said, there were others who only wanted to profit from that. Her black tail flicked back and forth as she listened to the girl. Her mother died at a young age, she had her condolences. A soft smile rose to her features, Pip sticking by her was proof enough of her liking her. Going through something like that was nothing. "I've had worse happen, but its what makes me a stronger person. In the hopes of protecting those who cannot gather up the courage others have destroyed." She said looking at the grass. It always left for new things to enter the world.
