
Can't Drink You Away


10-25-2013, 07:15 PM

ooc: So umm this order thing...idk how it's working so please tell me if I'm wrong :P

When Alena finally stood up, Dempsey sighed with relief. He was worried that her wound had opened further than he thought, or that she would be too overcome with grief to move. The heartfelt thank you he received from her was quite unexpected, but the lick to the cheek was more than welcome. A grin spread across his face."Oh Alena, any time. Just tell me what you need."

She looked back at her pups, and Dempsey followed her gaze. He was really growing found of the kids. Perhaps he should keep them. It wouldn't be so bad to stay with Alena would it? Now that they were rogues, it's not like he was even stationed in one place. Plus she was a pretty thing and willing to satisfy his needs. Too soon her voice ripped him from his thoughts, ""When I'm finally healed and they're old enough to watch after themselves, I'm going to go looking for Nako and Bane... I hope Bane has a good excuse for himself. This is unforgivable. He should have known better than to mess with an..." A pause filtered into her speech, and Dempsey just cocked his head and waited patiently for her to continue. He knew she would get to whatever she had to say if he just stayed silent for a minute. "I haven't been completely honest with you... I'm an assassin." Well that's a new development... A smirk flew to his lips. This was a surprise that he liked very much. "Or, well, I was. I haven't been a part of that life for quite a while, but it's kind of one of those things where you can take the girl out of the job but you can never take the job out of the girl. Ever since my pups came into my life... I don't know I just feel changed. Everything is different now. I still catch myself looking around every corner and walking silently everywhere I go for no reason... Little things like that."

A deep chuckle slipped from his lips and his eyes sparkled even more. Oh no, it wouldn't be too terrible to stay with her at all. The brute walked around her boddess and pressed his pelt up against her."Oh love," He threw his neck over her back then,"I wouldn't be too worried. I happen to know that us assassins are exceptionally flexible, which always makes for a good time." Dempsey let his nose trail down her spine before nipping at her dock."Bane is screwed dear. Because the man who loves you and your pups," Did he really just say that? Oh well, no turning back now. "is an assassin as well. We'll get our boy back." Walking to her front, he winked at her before walking back to the den.

His walk was a forced calm though. Had he really just told this woman he loved her? Yes, and he did. He could feel it. It was new love though, and so he wasn't quite used to it. Slipping into the den and curling up in the back, he waited for her. It was an odd relationship for him. His heart was leading the way instead of other regions of his body. In fact he hadn't even tasted her body yet. A shudder ran down his spine. Dempsey couldn't wait to feel her beneath him and make love for once instead of just having sex. Perhaps he should make her his forever. The brute had never considered having a mate before, but it felt right now. He would have to think on that one more.
