
Losing My Grip


10-25-2013, 08:01 PM

Aoi was immediately concerned by the condition that Maija appeared to be in. She seemed not to be doing as well as... he didn't want to say hoped, but he wasn't heartless, it was just a matter of an issue admitting he cared. Which is something he didn't really know as of right now. It wasn't really his immediate concern anyways, so he pushed it to the back of his mind, shelved with other oddities that peaked his interest. Sidetracked. It was hard for Aoi to focus on one instance at a time, his forever inquisitive mind roaming endlessly through a pool of philosophies and theories, anything that could be thought about, questioned, and so on.

"It would seem, that I have a knack for showing up at bad times.. I suppose it would be funnier if I did it intentionally, but perhaps it is a blessing in disguise, chancing upon you when you're in need" He kept his tone leveled, soft, trying not to seem too concerned, but also making sure not to sound rude. Nice, was what he was trying for, but not concerned, with Maija's personality, or, from what he'd encountered thus far, he wouldn't be surprised if she took his concern as pity, and got offended. Though he personally thought she shouldnt have room to complain over something so trivial, stranger things do happen, and Maija obviously wasn't in the best shape. This was no time for witty banter, sarcasm, intelligent back and forths for his amusement, no, This time he would be more civil.

Civility was a strong point of Aoi's, not being physically outstanding makes diplomatic approaches more favorable to him, though it wasn't like anything about the female before him strained his ability to keep cool. He settled himself close to her as she averted her gaze, a frown creeping across his face. She was breaking her legs trying not to show her vulnerability. "You really shouldn't need to strain yourself so much.. especially around me. Perhaps there is an understandable lack of trust, but I assure you I won't do you any harm." He wasn't sure of what the purpose of his words were. He meant what he said, but... didn't have anything to gain from speaking them. perhaps her response would merit something to him, make him feel like something was accomplished, or make her feel more comfortable, less strained, anything at this point that wasnt negative. His icy eyes fixated on the females turned head, wondering if she would even meet his gaze, or respond without passing out.
