
Can't Drink You Away



11 Years
Athena I
10-25-2013, 08:13 PM

This day was full of surprises. Dempsey not only took her news incredibly well, but actually grinned after she told him. He draped his neck over her in an embrace and mentioned the perks of being flexible like assassins. "Wait... Us assassins?" She blinked at him in surprise as she realized that he was an assassin as well. Despite everything that had happened today when he ran his nose down her back he still managed to make her grin. It was his last sentence that truly grabbed her attention however. Not only did he confirm his being an assassin, but he said, "the man who loves you and your pups."

He loved her? Her mouth fell open as she watched him walk away, gaping at him in disbelief. This was supposed to be a purely physical relationship. They had some fun, he acted as her babysitter from time to time, gave her pups a proper father figure... But it was never really just that was it? From the day she met him she hadn't wanted to be with anyone else. He had become more than just a babysitter, Dempsey was family. He had treated her pups better than their own father had. She realized deep down that she loved him too. She had never been one for feelings so the realization was shocking. Alena wondered if all of this was just as shocking for Dempsey and wondered if all assassins had this much trouble with emotions.

She blinked as she pulled herself out of her thoughts. Shaking her head, she pushed herself forward, limping back to the den and slipping in several moments after Dempsey had. She glanced to him first, her gaze a confused swirling of emotions, before she turned to her pups. She gave each of them a reassuring smile and gently licked the top of their heads. "Get some rest, okay? It's been a long day for all of us. Nako will be okay." She wanted so hard to believe her own words. It was hard to stay strong and keep herself together around them, but they needed her and she needed them.

After all the pups had settled down once again and were curled up among each other Alena padded across the den to where Dempsey was laying, her violet eyes searching his platinum ones. Was he serious? Did he really love her? A smile slowly crossed her muzzle as she realized that he had never lied to her before, why would he stop now? She laid down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his fur. After she took several moments to gather her courage, Alena finally whispered, "I love you too, Dempsey."
