



10-25-2013, 09:19 PM
Defenses never dropped; legs spread equally apart, limbs evenly bent, weight fairly distributed, claws attempted to bite into the dirt for better traction, toes spread, body lowered to produce a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spin, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Muscles were tense enough to prepare for action, yet not too tight as to restrict her motion.
Alas, her eyes set upon a man who was coming towards her, and Argent was not one to remain still. She charged forwards and to her left at the last minute, avoiding Themisto?s shoulder attack completely, as she was not directly in front of him and with that attack he had made no move to pivot towards her. She sought to brush parallel with him, her right side seeking to touch his right, with her head seeking to face his tail. The woman wanted to step to her right, hoping to slam her forward momentum into Themisto?s front right side, hopefully right behind his right shoulder. His jaws were unable to reach her left side face, instead slicing along the right side of her neck, right behind her jaw. Themisto managed to obtain slight punctures in her neck (slight due to the defenses she?d taken to defend her neck, as well as the large amount of fur on a wolf?s neck in such an area), as well as ripping out some fur, and no grip was obtained due to her forward momentum. Alas, the wound still stung, a reminder that she had to be careful if she wished to win this battle.
Jaws hungrily sought to bite on top of his spine, trying to land just a bit before the midpoint of his torso, her intention to bite down with a powerful, fierce grip so that she might cause him severe pain. Her jaws were attempting to crush, hoping to grip, ready to tear down her opponent as necessary. Argent was nothing if not a loyal servant, and she very well knew what she was doing. If she could win, Valhalla would be down one more ranked member who could challenge.


ATTACKS: Attempting to slam the outside of her right shoulder into Themisto?s right side; attempting to bite into his spine.
DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, limbs evenly bent, weight fairly distributed, claws attempted to bite into the dirt for better traction, toes spread, body lowered to produce a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spin, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Muscles were tense enough to prepare for action, yet not too tight as to restrict her motion.
INJURIES: slight puncture wounds on her neck behind her right jaw, missing fur from the area