
Little Tots



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2013, 07:29 PM by Epiphron.)
user posted image


timid - reserved - shy - slightly fearful - kind - loving
Talon is nothing short of the most gentle, kindest pup you could ever meet. Born with a physical deformity -- a missing hind leg -- the male has never felt quite like he fits in with others, so he clings desperately to his family. He is especially close to his father, for the male always seems to be able to bring a smile to Talon's face, even in the darkest of days. Because he often keeps himself away from others, excluding his family, Talon has the tendency to be slightly sheltered from others, and is often hesitant to meet strangers, being afraid of anyone who seems even the slight bit hostile. Despite his flaws, Talon is truly a kindhearted soul who would never dream of harming another. He is accepting of all kinds of creatures, and very loyal, especially to his family.

Dawn crept in slowly, the sun barely beginning to peek over the horizon, marking the beginning of a new day. Tendrils of warmth wrapped delicately around the young boy, the gentle rays of light peeking through the entrance to the den he shared with his family, caressing his mottled brown face. As he slowly awoke, Talon wrinkled his nose, wriggling closer against his father to seek the soft belly of his fur for warmth. After a long while the boy's eyes opened tentatively, one at a time, revealing pale brown irises. He blinked his eyes a few times, as though batting away sleep, as he shifted to gaze at his father's placid expression as he slept. A slight whimper escaped Talon's parted mouth as he attempted to bury his nose into Segar's belly, as though he was never close enough to his father.

Near him his sister slept calmly as well. He wondered why it was that he had woken before them on this particular day, and so soon! Segar failed to stir as he climbed up on all three paws, his limbs still growing used to motion. He'd not mastered walking quite as easily as his two siblings, but he was relentless as he hobbled to the entrance to the den. Carefully Talon settled down on his single hind leg, staring out at the great expanse of world that lay before him.