
Night Terrors


10-25-2013, 10:21 PM

In retrospect she knew little about the recent trade that had occurred for the man that Argent had won in the first challenge that Isardis had issued for the grey dame, Liberty. She knew little about the woman before her, as she tried to stay out of the political and bureaucratic nonsense that sometimes befell pack life. It mattered very little to her either way, as wolves were wolves, as long as they didn't harm her pack, she didn't care about how they got here. Until they offended her or proved themselves not to be worth it, they were given her respect and care, automatically.

The words of the pretty dame cut to Eris's heart, and all of her empathetic self went out to her. It was one thing to trade yourself for another, but then to be taken at your heat, and it didn't sound like she was all that happy about it, so Eris could only guess that she might not have been the most willing participant in Isardis's claim. The poor thing. A prickle of fury went out against her king, annoyance, in his endeavors.

"Azalea..." She began, her voice light, nearly a breath as it left her. She didn't even know what to say. What did you say to one who had given up nearly everything? "I'm going to venture a guess and say you weren't the most willing participant..?" She didn't know how to ask that, had he forced her into it? She nearly shuddered at the thought. Breeding was one thing, but forced breeding?
