
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!


06-10-2023, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2023, 03:25 PM by ThatOneWeirdo. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: ThatOneWeirdo

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Ichiyo


Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Design 1:
Ichiyo's right ear is always floppy. Her left ear is always pointed. Her right ear covers the left side of her forehead slightly. NAME'S pelt is in all different shades of gray, ranging from light to dark, almost black grays all over her body. The most prominent is the light gray, her forehead, ears, and cheeks are a light gray, along with her underbelly to her tail, and outter fur of her hips are are a light gray as well. Her paws are a dark gray with sock-like markings, not every leg is identical with her markings however. Her legs have splotches of light gray, the same colour as her underbelly on them. Dark grey spots are scattered around her back, and her base coat colour is a medium gray. Her eyes are a striking yellow colour with black round pupils. Her lips are black with white sharp teeth. And her claws are a black with a black nose and pink paw pads.

Design 2:
Ichiyo right ear is always floppy. Her left ear is always pointed. Her right ear covers the left side of her forehead slightly. Her pelt is in all different coloure, ranging from black, brown, to a beige colour. The most prominent colour on her, however, is the black. Her head neck, neck, upper part of her tail, and legs are black. Her paws, tip of her tail, and fleck of a beige colour on her ears are beige. The rest of her body is a medium brown colour, with flecks of beige around her lean body. Her eyes are a striking sky blue colour with black round pupils. Her lips are black with white sharp teeth. And her claws are a black, with a black nose and pink paw pads.

Personality: A free spirit at heart. Ichiyo is a canine who loves to fight and hunt if given the chance, such as sparing with her siblings or trying to hunt a rabbit, and she loves spending time with her family. However, she does like to be on her own for an hour or two a day to go off exploring around the pack lands by her self... and hopefully not get into too much trouble. She is always eager to meet new people and make new freinds or sparing partners, and with not one shy, timid bone in her body she will certainly make a freind! However, she may come across as friendly, she most certainly is a 'back stabber' type of girl who is not to be trusted by strangers.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Plans: I'd love a character with family that is active on the site! I plan on working on her skills as they look quite fun! I can figure out what I plan to do with her on the go, though! As she'll be a pup for quite a while, haha.

RP Sample:
Ichiyo's fur blew slightly in the warm breeze, her eyes were closed as she soaked in the hot summee sun as she lay with her head rested on her paws. Her tail was curled around her body, and it was a little too warm on this hot summer's day for her, but she sunbathed under the burning star anyways. It was warm enough that she was beginning to drift into a light nap, perhaps she'd even fall into a deep slumber if she was left undisturbed. Perhaps, she'd go and explore after her nap, possibly spar with one of her siblings if they were up for it.