
Destruction Baby



10-25-2013, 10:59 PM
Hokay, I think I have my app for Yin more or less figured out maybe. c: Basics have been taken from the account. Will be rereading posts if I get her to figure out what her current perceptions and relationships are.

Name: Yin

Age: 3 years (is this up to date?)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Yin, for the most part, is reminiscent of an ice queen. There is nothing dainty or significantly feminine about her, nor does she try to give the impression of seeming softer or weaker than she knows she is. Instead, she flaunts her strength, her mass, her muscle, carrying herself with a cold, almost feral sort of dignity. She stands tall, taller than many of her gender, and sports a build that is equally proportionate for that extra height. Her legs are long and muscular, her chest wide and strong, and though her stance may not always come off as domineering or assertive she knows what she is capable of and the confidence in her eyes is not unfounded.

Her coat is nothing short of the purest ivory, covering the majority of her body in a seemingly solid, untainted white that would make any arctic wolf jealous. Even her eyes are cool and pale, the left being an icy, incredibly light shade of blue while the right is a foamy ocean green. There is, however, one apsect of her that is different, a lack of continuity to her coloring that she associates with her twin, her other half. Covering her tail is an unexpected, solid black, as if the appendage had been dipped in liquid obsidian. The mirror to her twin brother, Yin is nothing short of the quiet and cold winter day to his warm and gentle summer night.

Personality: A short fuse just waiting to be lit, Yin can be somewhat of a livewire in the worst possible sense. She is not personable or patient, finding fault in practically everyone that she comes upon to the point of deeming them unworthy of her consideration or niceties. Avoidance comes first and foremost, accompanied with blatant warnings, barbed retorts, and threatening displays, though getting away is not always an option for her. For those particular few who are pushy with their company, on both friendly and aggressive terms - even in times where there is seemingly little provocation - the pale woman is quick to defend herself and answer any slight challenge given to her with violence. Lashing out, charging, even going so far as to main in order to ensure that the wolf will know their place next time are acts she is not above committing, though her record as of yet is rather clear.

And for good reason. Yang's presence in her life has been her saving grace, the only constant to give her any sense of solidity and completeness. Compared to all those she has met, he is the only one to have earned and continue to keep any sense of regard by her, so much so that she values his opinions, his thoughts, and his companionship above all others. Because she aims to keep his favor and good opinion of herself, she is capable of reigning herself in when he is near, allowing him the ability to diffuse her temper with merely a touch or still a growl in her throat by only needing to say her name. He keeps her sane, gives her a reason to hold her tongue and make herself reconsider the initial impressions she receives from strangers on her own. She attunes this connection, this ability he has to help calm her aggressive spirit, with their relationship, and considers her bond with her twin unlike any she is likely to experience with any other wolf.

She holds a secret wish to be more like him, admiring the way he can show compassion and patience where she cannot. It is not often, but occasionally she may try to better herself by his standards, to do as he does and not lose her patience and snap around those who typically rub her the wrong way. But no matter the attempts she makes to alter her ways she feels just as set in her rather hostile manner as her brother is in his consideration, and is grateful that he seems to accept her the way she is. She only wishes more of the world could be like him; at least then she might find a little more to be worthwhile in it.

RP Sample: Where is he?!

Breath came into and out of her lungs a touch more rapidly than was natural, attesting to her growing anxiety. Each step was made roughly, stiffly, as she passed through the unclaimed wood, black dipped tail twitching with impatience every few paces that she made. Eyes of pale, light blue and foamy sea green swept both left and right as she moved, though her head remained resolutely forward, low and defensive below the line of her shoulders. Her large, imposing figure was held in a sort of curved, inward shape, warding off approach and dis-inviting conversation. She did not want just anyone to approach her; not now, not ever. There was only one she sought, and it had been too long since she had seen him.

Which was only one more reason for her to remain distant, hidden, and cut off from the other wandering rogues. Without Yang there to counter her terse, impatient aggression, she was liable to snap, set off by the smallest of things regardless of who or what her company was. In the moment, she knew she would feel nothing for it but relief, glad for both the outlet and to alleviate the irritation, but once her brother caught wind she was sure he would have some unhappy feelings regarding it, and though she could not conduct herself in his same manner she still wished to do good by him. He tried in his own way to make her feel comfortable, to assist her with her temper and aggression, and keeping herself out of compromising situations was her best way of helping his vain cause.

The longer she stayed away from him, however, the worse her feelings became. He was always there with her, the steady rock to which she would cling to in order to feel even remotely normal, remotely sane. Since the beginning of their lives, he had been with her, and even now he was all she had left. He was her twin, her other half, and with him gone she felt incomplete, almost lost to the point that she could feel herself slipping further into her unhealthy, snappish ways, and though inside a part of her longed to release and accept that part of herself still a sense of conscience - her brother's voice - tried to coax her away from it. And how could she deny him, the only wolf to have ever accepted her so wholly, the only one to remain of her family who refused to give up on her?

"Damn you, Yang," she growled under her breath, pausing in her steady gait to bare her teeth and growl, just a small release of the mixture of panic and anger that had been welling up inside of her in his absence. She needed to find him; the faster, the better. Setting her ears against her head, the mostly white she-wolf impatiently picked up her pace again, trotting off in search of her twin and hoping that the quiet, silent wood would remain that way for the duration that she haunted it.