
The Poltergeist



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
06-11-2023, 01:04 PM
Time seemed to slow to an unreasonable pace … which wasn’t ideal. This didn’t seem like a death she would have wished to drag out. And while she was putting forth as much effort as she could to defend her vitals, the claws shredding her shoulder and back were enough to incapacitate her on their own. Aurelia was only vaguely aware of another source of snarling close by, though she just assumed that it was a secondary mountain lion hanging back to catch her in the event she was able to escape … or perhaps it was here to challenge her attacker for her carcass after it did all the work- not that it would be much of her concern.

As she felt an impact through the body of the big cat, it was clear that it hadn’t been expecting interference either. As its attention shifted to its competitor, she made an attempt to free herself. It was only when both predators went tumbling over the top of her did she recognize her initial assumption had been wrong as to who the snarl had come from. Sephiran. Never in a million years would she have ever thought she’d be relieved to see his face. The claws tore loose from her back as the pair rolled away, and as soon as she was free, she scrambled to her paws in a very clumsy display of frantically pained strides. Her shoulder that had been pinned beneath talon was momentarily unusable, though there was no time to check for the extent of the damage. She immediately found the scraping mess of Sephiran and the Mountain Lion once at a safer distance. Concern was her knee-jerk reaction, though as she looked more closely, the Saxe boy had the cat by the side of its neck, thrashing violently. It resisted him- as one would. Though, judging by the current display, it wasn’t going to be long for this world.

"Aurelia Veratti"