
Watch Your Step


03-27-2013, 07:22 PM
Watching the Fae panic while it begun to rain he chuckled "Chill I'll help you out." He begun to slide down but then he caught himself he was very close her could grab her by her scruff if he wanted too. He slowly bend down "This might hurt" He got a hold on her Scruff sinking his teeth into her skin he yanked her up seeing a little bit of blood drip out. He pulled her out shoving his feet into the ravine rock breaking a couple of his back claws making him grunt. He got the edge and finally got her up and let go of her and backed up.

He pushed himself up and stood there and saw her wound from him biting into her scruff he grunted and begun to lick her wound clearing off the blood "Listen i didn't mean to give you this wound but if it wasn't for me you will still be in that ravine." He said as his voice cracked and was deep, like his voice all the time He nodded to her and helped her up. He gave off a nice scent the rain begun to pour down his eyes lit up the place for him everything in his eye sight that he could see turned red. He eyeballed her as he begun to turn around.