
Dial Tone



06-11-2023, 10:38 PM
When Medusa had called for the meeting, Morte had been with Tazzy as usual experimenting with different perfumes and makeups. Not that either of them needed any more color than they already had, but they were having fun smearing berry paint on each other and laughing about it. Even when Rue came, but Morte knew that the meeting was important to her mom. She just hoped that they wouldn't get dragged into it.

She knew better though, she just didn't want to walk all the way there. They were staying in a nice den close enough to where the meeting was, but mom didn't want to carry her around anymore and Tazzy would blow away in the next gust of wind if he wasn't careful. Morte was left walking slower than her mother, but at least Tazzy stayed with her. They were always attached at the hip, gossiping and being typical teenagers. They were lucky enough to be given time to wash their paints off, but they left Morte coming to the meeting half drenched since her and Taz certainly couldn't stop themselves from splashing it at each other when given the chance.

Settling down alongside her mother, she leaned gently into Tazzy as he sat down on her other side.


Art © eightysichs & Code © skelle 2023

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