
How Bright The World



10-27-2013, 12:07 AM

She would hold herself, listening to the man speak about the bastard part, apologizing and explaining that was what he was called by his adoptive father. Loccian would still not accept it, it was uncalled for, things had names for a reason. When she mentioned Alena he would tell her that he met her between the packs to take care of her when she gave birth, and that Tahlia was there. Good, he was taking some responsibility for the other litter.

She would notice him change a bit when she asked why Nako was here, yer eyes narrowing on him. She would listen to his words, but instead of feeling or showing any sympathy she would sit there still as a statue, he was not answering her question and was taking his time to give it. He would soon give a reason though, one she did not really believe, seeing as the man was one to cause trouble. But what he said last would bring an obvious look of disapproval, even if he laughed. "You are disappointing." She would say simply before picking herself up. "You sure had a ride indeed, and will have more to come."

Loccian would glance over towards the den for a few moments before turning back to look down at the man. "I will be speaking to Miss Alena about this, and if your stories do not line up then you should start worrying about what will happen with you and Nako." Her voice was stern, showing she was not playing about such a topic. "You have a nice day." With a dip of her head the woman would turn away, leaving the forested area, starting to plan out a day she would go seek the woman.
-exit loccian-


Awesome table by Andy <3