
The Straight and Narrow Might be a Long Shot


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
06-12-2023, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2023, 03:08 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Aresenn had turned to face her, she came to close the distance between them- only stopping once she had come to linger at his side. His attention settled on the Fatalis girl, looking her over as she scanned the rolling plains before them. After a few moments, he too returned his gaze to the open territory. Partially to see if she had noticed something of interest, but mostly so he wouldn’t be caught staring. It would have been an easy act to commit. As she accused him of putting words in her mouth, he couldn’t help the breathy chuckle that escaped his nose. There was no purpose to arguing with her- she was exactly right. Even more so in her philosophy of ambiguous morals which seemed to be a reoccurring theme in their conversations. Her words were said easily, and he didn’t doubt their light-hearted origin. Though they cast a momentarily solemn shadow over their interaction. If only things were simple. “No, I know you never called me as such ... I just don’t want you to forget.” Aresenn mumbled while staring straight forward. It was more so to himself than to her, and after only a couple of heartbeats of hesitance, his own dry-humored nature returned. Amber eyes brightened with a sort of amusement to mimic her own.

He didn’t have to be a mind reader to hear the blatant disbelief in her tone as she acknowledged the reason he provided her to explain his presence. He knew there was no point in trying to convince her further, either. Instead, he adopted that devil-may-care half-smirk, followed by another casual shrug of his shoulders as she continued on to explain her own purpose for being in Auster. A far more worthy cause than his own. As she explained that she was visiting a sister, he wondered if the sister was similarly a high-ranking individual in the Hallows. It would only make sense. “I see.” He responded simply. The idea of charting the night sky was certainly an interesting one. He should have expected that even her hobbies would be brilliant. “Is there something you’re hoping to achieve with your charts? Or is it just something you enjoy doing?” He asked, casting a glance of genuine interest her way as he sought an explanation for her intrigue.

Suddenly, the Fatalis girl strode forward, steering his attention towards the southern aspen forest as she circled out in front of him, venturing a few strides in that direction before hesitating. As she extended an invitation on the grounds of leading him away from pack territory, he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes- though entirely out of amusement. “After you, Princess. Aresenn answered, gesturing her onward as he moved to follow her. Truthfully, he’d rather spend time with her anyways. Though as they started off toward their unknown destination, another thought crossed his mind. “Are you ever going to grace me with your name?” He asked a little flatly. “I feel like I’ve earned it.” She knew his after all … her proper introduction would have only been fair.

"Aresenn Praetor"

*psssst* Hover over the image to make it go opaque.

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1. The Straight and Narrow Might be a Long Shot Wildberry Grove 05:08 PM, 05-29-2023 05:14 AM, 10-30-2023