
As The Sparrow Flies



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
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Critical Block!
06-13-2023, 07:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2023, 07:01 AM by Gilgamesh. Edited 3 times in total.)

Gil was pleased that his not-wife (were titles really that important) showed up first. His gaze flitted over to her momentarily as he felt his heart flutter. Damn, he really was a sucker for her, wasn't he? Truly, Modesty was his only downfall. His kryptonite. If anything ever happened to her, there would be hell to pay. Then more would trickle in. An amused chuckle left his lips as Rivin questioned if he was becoming their leader. "You could say that," he replied as his attention was drawn to the approach of Calico Jack racing in. A brow lifted in the patchy boy's direction as he smiled. "I won't force your paw," Gil tossed back to the boy before his attention was once more turned to someone else. His eyes brightened ever so slightly as Flurry approached to stand beside him. Her beaming expression made him proud. Though one might say they could see what was brewing inside of her, Gil chose not to care. At least one of his offspring had decided to show up today.

Before he could say much of anything to Flurry, his attention was drawn to the skulking of Ignis' broodiest boy. Curiosity flickered across Gil as a nod was tossed in his direction but not much else. Lowering his brow into a furrowed squint, he wondered if he should stop the boy. If he took Aresenn under his wing and nurtured the good that was hiding, maybe he could churn him out into something worthy of keeping around. Yet, as he stood and looked at Flurry, Rivin, Calico Jack, and even Scald who lingered off to the side, there was plenty of young hope ready and willing right in front of him. "When you're ready to come home, we'll be waiting," Gil called out to Aresenn before giving his head a soft shake and turning his attention once more back to the group. He knew Sparrow would probably not show - she was still in bad sorts and he wouldn't blame her. They would go get her later if need be, whether she wanted it or not. Ignis and Ares were probably still passed out drunk which was fine too - he knew the men would follow anyway. As for the rest of their offspring, he wondered where Sparrow's other kids were. Kashi they hadn't even seen since the raid on Tojo, Ajax was probably off drowning himself or something, and he thought he had seen Sakana wandering around. Deluge wasn't to be seen either which was fishy considering she had dragged his own self back here recently. Either way, Gil would work with what he had!

"I will not beat around the bush. Sparrow needs a break. She'll be okay, but she needs some time to figure her own shit out first. That being said, I'm not Sparrow and I don't want to take everything she ever gave us so from this point on, we will be known as The Raider's Hollow. For those who stay, you will now be Raiders, not Pirates. We will function under new ranks, but everything else will be pretty much the same. We will raid as often as we can and in the spirit of good fun, we will try not to piss anyone off too much," there was an emphasis on that part since he was a culprit of pissing off others. "If you would like a rank that is above a generic Raider, speak now or forever hold your peace. I will be offering fighting lessons and trying to accommodate other skills as well, but I would like to find us a good healer. If any of you would like to step up and take charge of that, please do. If not, I will be searching for one. But before that happens, I have one last thing. Pack your bags, we're moving," Gil grins as he looks at the ragtag group of once Pirates now turned Raiders. He hoped they liked his idea and would stick around to see out his ideas and what he had planned for them.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him