
Tie me kangaroo down



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
06-14-2023, 01:36 PM

It had been a dare. A goddamn dare that had the small girl trekking all the goddamn way down here. Her family band was currently staying all the way up north with her old man Sirius. Well, he wasn't actually her old man, but Gramps was Granny Venom's godfather or something like that so basically her gramps. Kind of like Vidarr who wasn't actually Mama Cel's dad, but close enough that he was also her gramps. Or maybe it was like Grampa Chi who was actually her uncle of some sort because he was granny Venom's brother. But they were all gramps to the sprite. All there to help guide her to not get into too much trouble. Except for right now. Because right now, miss Hattori-Klein Philadelphia (she wasn't sure why her dad wanted her to say her last name first- something about Grampa Hanzino or whatever his name was and his culture whatever that was too but Mama Cel agreed so she tried her best) had somehow managed to make her way all the way down to Auster. There was this vague feeling of someone following her. Not another wolf, but a companion. Not her companion because mister grump was here, faithfully walking beside her. Was it her dad's companion? That kite or the dog? Gosh, the dog really didn't like mister grump.

Anyways, Delphi was convinced she would make it back to Armada alive because she had mister grump with her, someone else's companion was definitely tagging along, and she was almost one year old. Being almost one year old meant that she needed to get good at something. Lately, she had been interested in hunting like Mama Cel and Unagi and Zoey, but she wasn't sure she could be good at it yet. She was so much smaller than everyone else and that meant hunting anything large like a deer was super duper hard! But one thing she was good at was healing. Well, not healing perse, but something close to it. She could bandage up a wound nice and tight and she had a knack for being fearless when it came to taste-testing all those different plants. Which surprise, is leading back to the reason why Delphi was going down to Auster, to begin with.

So there had been this time when she and her sister, Aji, had found some Cannabis. It made one feel good when ingesting it, but boy it was disgusting. Sticky, tacky, bitter, and stinky. Stinky enough to make your nose wrinkle more than a pissed-off skunk. Which usually wasn't a big deal because being pups, they really didn't have any reason to "feel good," whatever that meant. She and Aji didn't have a reason to until Tama mentioned that Mumma Cy wasn't doing well. She was sad. So sad that it was sadder than that time she had stepped on a thorn. Which meant Delphi also wanted to help her feel better by feeling good! But she didn't want to submit Mumma Cy to eating that nasty Cannabis plant. The solution had been to ask Zoey and Ulmaria where they could find a plant that was like Cannabis but not Cannabis. Zoey and Ulmaria had both told her that there was a plant by the name of Kava but it was pretty rare and it was only found in Auster. Delphi had never heard of Auster before since the band had never been south of Wolfpaw Lake.

Logically, the girls knew that their parents would never let them go to Auster alone. Plus, Da had mentioned that Grampa Hanzino lived down in Auster so waiting would have been the better option. Delphi being Delphi, she didn't want to wait. She wanted to help Mumma Cy now. This led to her feeling rather conflicted. How was she supposed to help Mumma Cy but also not break any rules? The answer was simple - she had to break the rules. She wasn't planning on doing that, but ultimately Aji had triple dog dared her to go and get some. Why not? What was the worst that could have happened? This led to the adventure of a lifetime! The little sprite nearly died several times. Stumbling down the fjord, almost swept away from the land bridge, trespassing accidentally several times. It had not been an answer journey and she had spent most of her time focusing on not forgetting what she was even searching for.

She had never seen this plant before so finding it was going to be extra hard. Especially when she approached the spooky forest with mangled trees and thick fog. Her bi-colored eyes looked to mister grump with a worried expression. "You think it's safe? Delphi had whispered before mister grump grunted in her direction and took off into the sinister-looking woods. Quick to follow her companion with the other companion close behind, Delphi soon noticed the etched arrows in the bark of trees. Noticing that it was spaced apart every few trees, she wondered who was doing that. It was hard to scent anything in this dim and desolate place so she decided to take the lead and lead mister grump deeper in by following the arrows.

What felt like ages passed before a cacophony of noise scattered any living thing that was nearby. Both of Delphi's ears perked up as she paused in her step. What had that been? Curiosity would always get the best of her as she began to race off toward the noise. Quickly, she assessed that it was barking. Someone else was in here! Picking up her pace, Delphi forgot about the arrows as she got closer to the racket. As she rounded a corner and entered a small clearing, she saw a girl who was slightly smaller than herself barking at an animal in a tree. When she looked at the ugly animal who was undeterred by the other girl, Delphi noticed it chewing on some plants. Lifting her nose in the air, she began to smell something peppery which is what Ulmaria had told them to look for when describing the plant. This was what she needed and that damn animal was eating it!

"I can help you!" Delphi nearly squeaked as she rushed over to the tree the green girl was barking up. Jumping up and smacking her own front paws against the trunk, she also began barking at the tree kangaroo. Even though it lazily looked down upon them as if they were nothing but bugs, Delphi would still try. She could only assume that it was eating the plants she was looking for so they needed revenge! Her high-pitched bark was dampened by the surrounding fog as she continued to jump up and try to climb the tree.
