
lets see if i can figure this out


06-13-2023, 02:55 PM

Her paws dug into the dirt like a cat making kneading their bed. With her body swaying gently, she prepared herself to jump after the hare. It would be her first time hunting alone. Hopeful that she would be successful, the girl focused with all of her might. Every muscle in her body was either frozen in anticipation or fluid with minuscule movements. Her breathing had slowed. In, count to three, out, count to three. Her eyes had not blinked in a minute and she could swear they were drier than a desert. Not that she knew what a desert was.

Ready to make her move, the hare suddenly lifted its front paws from the ground and its ears straight up to the sky. Its beady eyes scanned the forest before suddenly taking off. A startled yelp left her lips as she darted forward to try and take off after the hare. Alas, it was of no use. The hare was off into the shadows of the brush to never be seen again. Stomping her paw on the ground, she then turned to scan around. Who had startled that hare?! A few seconds passed before she saw a pup galloping around like some wild beast! Letting out a frustrated grumble, the girl stomped over with her ears flat against her skull.

Unable to vocalize her frustrations, she let out the best growl she could while lifting a paw to point in the direction of the hare.

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1. lets see if i can figure this out Mile-High Woods 08:49 AM, 05-26-2023 01:19 PM, 09-27-2023