
The assasination guild and walkers

Buckle up for a long ride



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
06-14-2023, 12:17 AM
Character name: Alec
Age: 1
Gender: Male
though as large and heavy as his brother, he carries himself with a firm, unyielding countenance, as though standing against some invisible storm, refusing to be knocked aside. amethyst eyes set inside a colourless face, with a single white patch around one eye and a pair of charcoal stripes beneath each. his pelt is a monochrome ombré, transitioning from a dark grey along his spine to an almost pale white at his belly and chest. and then, of course, there’s his tale: long and vaguely curved, undeniably that of a kangaroo. although perhaps comical on another individual, he wields it with a deft grace completely unforgiving of humour. with a heavy set brow and perpetual bags beneath his eyes, he has the bearings of one almost thrice his age.
- Large size
- Heavy build
- 36" height
having lost his parents at a young age, family is everything to him; he values the safety of his siblings above all else and would gladly lay his life on the line for them a hundred times over. stoic and mild-mannered, he has a perpetually stern expression and set brow, lending him a rather intimidating air. regardless of the order of their birth, he possesses prominent ‘eldest child’ energy, and is unafraid of expressing his disapproval. due to his practical nature and ferocious protective streak, he is reluctant to form attachments, believing outsiders will distract him from the safety of his siblings. if, however, someone manages to gain his attention, he will move heaven and earth to ensure their well-being. truthfully, he is rather poor at taking care of himself, and tends to neglect his own needs if he deems it necessary - which is often. despite the rumours, he is capable of humour…but it is a side of him that only his siblings really witness.
- Lawful Good
- Homosexual
- Fighting & Healing skills
after being separated, Alec never stopped trying to find his siblings. he was a loner for quite a while, relying on scraps and the kindness of strangers to survive as a pup, and after months of searching has finally arrived in Boreas, believing he may find his family here. he scarcely remembers the prophecy but he has nightmares about his parents sometimes, and strange dreams he doesn’t quite understand.
Mutation Pass: i'm really sorry but i don't have one :( hoping to use yours?
Rp sample(If we haven't had a thread together):
he could barely remember their faces.

it hadn't been a sudden thing, hadn't hit him so abruptly he'd had to pause in shock; it wasn't as though his parents had been there in his mind one minute, gone the next. rather, it was a gradual thing...a slow death. at first he'd simply misplaced the little details: the exact key of his mother's tinkling laughter, the specific shade of his father's eyes. and then, with every passing day, the big things began to fade, too, until his parents were just an outline, a shape of a person rather than an actual living, breathing individual he'd met and known and loved.

on the crueller days, the days in which food was especially scarce and he couldn't find shelter against the biting wind, Alec found himself wishing they'd just vanished from his head altogether. maybe then it wouldn't feel so much as though he were watching them die again.

Plot plans: Alec is determined to keep his siblings safe, so he is 100% down to fight the cultists! Also hoping he can grow some roots in Boreas and develop outside his family (orrr alternatively become even more withdrawn and distrustful if things go bad :3)

