
rob a bank

M for potentially graphic gore



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Pansexual1K
06-14-2023, 02:15 AM

As though summoned by the absence of chaos, thus appeared one of his siblings. Lifting his head to peer over his shoulder, there was Cos. With a low grunt, he licked the viscera from his downy jowls. "Lunch." he intoned casually, pausing his evisceration of the poor dead thing to endure Cos' sudden interest in his personal space. It didn't last long, and the pale Aeris child took a half step away to scowl at him. A taunting grin, budding tusks and fangs all stained in crimson put on full display for the smaller pup. With his personal bubble unoccupied by pestering siblings, he returned to his half-lunch-half-playtime. Clutching a tiny rabbit foot between his incisors, he pulled and pulled until it came loose with a quiet pop and dribbled blood all over his chest. Lazily and noisily he crunched away at the thin bones, until he got bored of annoying his sibling with the noise. "Whaddaya want?" he drawled, casting a wary side eye their way.

"I'm not sharing." he added, mostly to reaffirm his status as the biggest and meanest between the two of them. Cos wasn't one to challenge him, nor was he particularly worried that they might decide to change their stance on their relationship, but it felt nice to assert his dominance. Troubling development for everyone in the future, but that wasn't his problem. "Did da kick you out for the day?" he asked after a moment, looking around for any familiar flashes of colour. Their dad tended to send them off at dawn, with the expectation that they didn't come back until sunset. Something about peace and quiet. Whatever.

Valerian is an M rated character for violence & gore, as well as an overall mature language warning