
Growing up, taking responsibility




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-14-2023, 08:59 AM

His father would accept his challenge and Charlie felt his heart flutter. This was it then. His chance to prove himself for the Armada, that he would put in the work necessary to become what the Armada needed in a fighter. He wasn't quite yet a true adult but he was old enough, and he gave an appreciative nod to his father. There would always be that bond and love between the two of them; they were family and nothing would ever change that. He knew his father would treat him fairly.

As Sirius put distance between them Charlie would set his defenses. His stance would be widened, weight distributed evenly across all his limbs. Gaze would narrow both as a defense and with determination as he lowered his head to align with his spine and pinned his ears. Digits spread and claws bit into the soil. Tail raised to align behind him and aid in balance as Sirius spoke again, laying out the steaks of his challenge. Charlie gave a small nod. He didn't mind if he didn't get the higher rank yet. He would work for that too. He rolled his shoulders forward, smile replaced by that fire of passion and determination.

"I'll give it my all. For the Armada!" The moment his war cry left his lips Charlie would kick against the ground toward his sire. Sirius was large, stronger, and more experienced but Charlie and his companions would not let that deter them. Yorick flanked Charlie's right as Silveris took to the air, her sharp whistles filling the area. She would be eyes from above and the fisher would be more muscle in his attack.

Charlie sought to close the distance between them, coming in hard and fast. He also angled a bit lower, seeming like he might come in like a battering ram for Sirius' legs. But then, once he felt close enough, Charlie would kick forth with all his strength and twist his head up and to the left in hopes of not only crashing into Sirius to cause some bruising but to cut across his cheek with one of his saber fangs.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Charlton vs Sirius for Rank Challenge
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year (Yearling)
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked leather brace
Companion 1: Great grey shrike, Female - Perception
Companion 2: Fisher, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Sabre fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Intellectual