


10-26-2013, 05:36 AM

A ferocious snarl would rip from his larynx as the she-devil collided with him head on. Sephiroth did not back down from his new challenge, allowing their bodies to collide as he made to "hug" her, and it would seem that his teeth would grip their intended target upon her scruff. His hind legs pushed back against the ground to hold his weight forward so that it would be harder for her to knock him over. The man would shake his head side to side in an attempt to tear what his teeth had implanted upon, and cause her pain. Just mere seconds after, however, he felt the rapid push of her chest thrust against his own, and his eyes would narrow in slitted anger as his ears flattened against his skull simultaneously. With a grunt, he would allow her to push him back, as this gave him a new idea. Having her in his tight grip(Based on what I see from your post?) Sephiroth would attempt to pull her down with him as he tucked his shoulders and curved his spine to aid in him in his fall. He would fall upon his back, his shoulders rapidly thrusting forward to protect his vitals and the female would now be on top of his body (Assuming the tactic worked). Her intentions towards his neck would be thwarted then, as the falling movement would move her upwards slightly past his neck. He would then duck his head slightly underneath her jaws, his head protecting the center of his neck now as her teeth caught, instead higher up at the nape of his neck where his right shoulder bone was now protruding. He would snarl with the pain of her teeth embedded into the upper portion of his shoulder and the skin of his neck, though it did not deter him in the least as he made his next move. Sephiroth continued to keep his eyes narrowed and his ears laid back, fur bristling and his teeth bared in a fearsome grin as he sought to bite the wenches right side of her own neck now. At the same time, his himd legs would seek purchase upon the girls stomach, as now in this position it would be easier. If he could pull this off, then his teeth would grip whatever he possibly could whilst his claws raked her sensitive underbelly. Once the knight had excreted enough pain from her should his raking attack hit or miss, he would then attempt to kick upwards to fling her over his body and head and away from him. Should that work, then Sephiroth would be on his paws in an instant to face off with her once more.

Sephiroth was a man of war, a soldier bred for it. He was taught to now allow pain to weaken him during his battles, and that training had payed off. Though he had bite wounds and bleeding marks, they would not pull his mind or body away from the fight at hand. To him, these were only minor and they would not stop him from executing the enemy. Or, at the very least, defeat them in battle. Though he was trained to kill, he had change some after meeting certain wolves during his journey throughout these lands. Life was to be valued, and to waste it was in needless fights was no longer Sephiroth's mission. Though it didn't stop him from fighting from time to time against those who sought it. And he would damn well use his skills to protect his home. This was one of those times, and he would be damned if he lost his life on the fields of war today. Hackles bristled then, at the overpowering thoughts of the strangers blood seeping upon his tongue from the previous attack. Though he disliked fighting females, there seemed to be no gender discrimination in battle. Of that, he was certain.

Fight Stats

Round: Round 2/2 Sephiroth Vs. Artemis for Seige

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, shoulders tucked and spine curving to aid him in his fall, then after he is on the ground his shoulders thrusted forward to protect his vitals, head lowered over throat, hackles raised

Attacks: Attempts to bite the right side of Artemis's neck or grab whatever he can in that general area. Attempts to rake his claws on her underbelly, and should it hit or miss he will then kick upwards to fling her up and over his head and away from him.

Injuries: Shallow cut on his right side near his ribs, bruising to the right side of his abdomen. Inch and a half deep bite wounds on his right shoulder bone/nape of neck.

Out Of Character Notes: If anything confuses you, let me know and i will clarify ^_^