
Curiosity In Our Minds


10-26-2013, 06:04 AM

The man waited for a response from her. Waited for a flurry of words and curious questions like the day they had first met. But it seemed strange to him that she would remain silent...the only indication of a response of any type was the look he noticed in her eyes. He couldn't tell what it was, as Sephiroth had always tried to keep himself emotionally detached from everyone and everything. But since meeting Angeal, and then meeting youns Seraphine, it would seem his world would begin to evolve and change into things that in time, he would begin to understand. He knew not what it meant to love, nor what the emotions of having a "crush" towards someone felt like. He had never been taught about such things, simply just taught as a soldier for war. All he knew was fighting, nothing more. It was his life, his mentality...but deep down, a switch seemed to flicker on and his heart had finally begun to turn those rusty gears that had been stained for so long and held in place without hope of ever moving.

However, upon licking the scarred girls nose he saw her eyes widen. Afraid, he thought he had infiltrated her personal space and possibly somehow offended her. But when she shook her head, he would feel slightly guarded as he continued to speak but not as much as before. He hoped he hadn't offended her in any way, and if he had then he would apologize should she make it known to him. He was a man after all, what did he know about what women thought? Sephiroth's suspicions about having offended her quickly faded, however, as he noticed her trademark look of mischief. His ears fell back a little in scrutiny...just what was she up to? Dual toned eyes followed her form as she walked past him without a word, and confusion would become plain upon his face as he wondered why she hadn't said anything. Was she mad? Upset that he hadn't come sooner? Maybe angry with him for taking so long? Thoughts fled his mind as his body jumped with surprise as he felt her nip at his tail. His own eyes would widen then, full of surprise and wonder at her intentions were. She had run several feet away, turning back to look at him with her mischievous stare and that oh so cute smirk upon her face.

He would turn his body halfway, wondering what to do then. He didn't know what it was like to play, nor did he really understand the point in it. After all, he had never played as a puppy. It was against the code. His pack only bred mindless soldiers for war, and the more he thought the more he would see that that was no longer his life. But still, he didn't know how to do those things. But he would attempt. He would try for his sake and for hers. Glancing at her, his features would spread into a grin of mischief of his own, and he would burst forward to close the distance. Upon reaching her, he would tackle her. Though it wasn't a rough one, and to his surprise it would be a playful tackle as he sought to bring her down and nip at her ear. A new sensation would grip his body, and Sephiroth would look back at his tail as he saw his tail wagging! Confused, he wondered what it was that made him feel this way. The sudden closeness towards Seraphine made his body feel all fuzzy, and for the first time she was making him experience what happiness felt like.