
A bird so daring…

Summer 19 Fighting seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-15-2023, 06:15 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2023, 06:25 AM by Tachi. Edited 1 time in total.)
Word count: 298
Total: 760

[Image: d39nwqw-e041f92d-eb72-4624-9185-e53aa720...bdBUyWKRFY]

Tachi couldn't say he loved his baby siblings all that much, he wasn't so needy to hate them cause they took away Sedna's attention. It was more that...well, pups as a rule were annoying, the only real value in them he could find was that it might be fun to bully them a bit. See what made them tick, to check if they really were Tojo material. Even then he hadn't sought any of them out yet, figured he'd run into one eventually and sure enough, out on the bay he saw the dark shape of one of his younger brothers. The stoic and silent one, like he'd taken a page right from Hattori's book. And he wasn't alone. Tachi had no clue how but it was clear he'd somehow managed to rile a bird- an eagle, or a buzzard he couldn't quite tell- enough to make it go for his eyes.

Tachi was sort of tempted to just watch and see how things unfolded, but at the same time he was from Tojo and Tachi didn't like the idea of dipping out of a chance to fight.

And thus he entered the fray. Dashing in quick, with jaws snapping he made to lunge for the bird only to miss and clamp down on empty air as a gush of wind walloped his face from the beat of its wings. It let out an indignant squawk, beady eyes focused and claws still hooked as it attempted to claw at the pup anew. Not even a little deterred by another wolf's presence. Tachi couldn't tell if it was brave or stupid but either way it was determined to make a mess of the pups face, maybe claw out an eye if he wasn't lucky. Tachi wondered if he was.

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1. A bird so daring… Manatee Bay 08:27 AM, 05-19-2023 01:27 PM, 09-27-2023