


10-26-2013, 06:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 06:17 AM by Renesme.)

Renesme- knocked out=[

Her oppoinment would keep his leg inbetween her jaws, trying to open them up so wide that she could no longer clamp down. Turning the cranium slightly to the side to free some of her jaw Renesme would attempt to clamp down on the leg and tear the whole muscle away, by now it was almost impossible to breath, he was heavier and taller then her, and it started to take affect as he'd try to attack her faceshe'd sink her head right back to the floor and her head body would go limp in submission, as his brother would join she'd put her right paw to her chest, squeezing it in as the brute clips it- Renesme was out, that was for sure.

Renesme and raven VS Alsander and caerul for knock out

Round- OVER


Attacks- N/A

injuries- Bruising to the side and a faint bite wound to the side of her neck, a small chunk out of her front leg and a small bite wound to the right.

Notes- Sorry for how late it is, I went overtime because I had to stay in hospital over night as they had to examine me over and get me ready for an operation the next day, so because of this Renesme is out. Points id like to make bri- I find it really unrealistic how she missed the kick to the males precious area because a kick movement would be quite fast and how could alsander see it? Also when Ren had a firm grasp on his joint a wolf wouldn't just try to jab it down someones throat because it'd worsen there pain and limit there strength when they need to run an all? haha:3. I know some of my moves may not of been as realistic but id like to of pointed that out, Your a great fighter though, congratulations btw!:)