



7 Years
10-28-2013, 07:36 PM

Surreal?s teeth snapped shut on air as the target sidestepped out of harms way. A moment later, she saw the foot lift, and ducked instinctively away, though not in time to avoid deep slashes from Jet?s claws to mark the bridge of her muzzle. It was enough to jaw her slightly, but she shook it off, and saw that Jet?s belly was unprotected, and Jet was trying to wrap his front legs around Pontifex. Surreal lunged, jaws reaching for the open belly, avoiding the area where the point of his thigh could have jutted upward to smash her face. If her attempted bite succeeded, she would do her best to saw her teeth into his flesh. And then she would attempt to rip away as she leapt back, hopefully clear of attack, and hopefully taking a good amount of the enemy with her in her jaws.

Either way, she would execute the leap backward, falling into a balanced stance, chin tucking and ears flattening, eyes narrowing, and teeth bared, while her spine straightened and her tail tucked for protection, her hackles raising as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched. Toes splayed out and her claws dragged furrows in the ground before she pushed off in a fast sprint, center of gravity held low to the ground, intending to ram her weight into Jet?s rump, shoulder dropping slightly in a position to hopefully slam into his hocks, hoping to knock him down.

Her muzzle was on fire from the scratches that had reached the bone. They bled freely, but she stuck to her training and ignored the pain. A muzzle wound wasn?t a life or mobility threatening injury. Her ears remained flattened, eyes narrowing, and her tail thrust out slightly for balance, while her paws did their best to remain balance with the center of gravity. Her shoulder were rolled forward still, for added ramming strength as well as protection.

Fight Stats


Defenses: Starting Instinctively ducking at the kick. | falling into a balanced stance, chin tucking and ears flattening, eyes narrowing, and teeth bared, while her spine straightened and her tail tucked for protection, her hackles raising as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched. Toes splayed out and her claws dragged furrows in the ground before she pushed off in a fast sprint, center of gravity held low to the ground. | Secondary: Her ears remained flattened, eyes narrowing, and her tail thrust out slightly for balance, while her paws did their best to remain balance with the center of gravity. Her shoulder were rolled forward still, for added ramming strength as well as protection.

Attacks: Attempting to bite into his belly, and rip flesh away when she jumps backward. | Charging in low, intending to ram into Jet's rump area, shoulder low for an attempted ramming to his hocks.

Injuries: Four gashes to the bone on the bridge of her muzzle, bleeding freely. Will heal into clear scars.

Out Of Character Notes: Gods it took me so long to figure out something. Wolf intends to default Pontifex (Eep), so soon, She'll be on her own unless someone helps her. So sorry for being late, and thank you for not defaulting me, even though I'm late. I've been intent on Azazyl, so... I'll be better next time, I promise! XD

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.